

Intro: Pinecone

Pinecone hedgehog

STEP 1: Painting the Pinecone

First you will collect your pinecone, paintbrush, and paint.

STEP 2: Painting the Pinceone

Then paint your pinecone with the paint of your choice.

STEP 3: Making Face Shape

Once you have finished paint your whole pinecone get your felt and a pair of scissors

STEP 4: Making the Face Shape

Then take your black marker fold it in half and draw a shape of your choice then cut it out.

STEP 5: Applying the Face

Once you have cut your shape out take hot glue and glue your felt shape to the tip of the pinecone.

STEP 6: Applying the Face

Once you have finished take hot glue and glue the side of your shape down to the pinecone.

STEP 7: Making the Ears

Once you have finished gluing your face on take your scrap felt and make two little ears.

STEP 8: Applying the Ears

Once you have applied hot glue to the back of your ears apply it to wherever you desire.

STEP 9: Drawing the Beads Black

Now collect your beads and draw them black.

STEP 10: Applying the Eyes

Then apply hot glue to the side of the beads and place them on the face.

STEP 11: Drawing the Nose

Then you can grab your marker and draw the nose on the tip of the face on your pinecone.

STEP 12: End Product
