Ping Pong Ball Collector From Junk


Intro: Ping Pong Ball Collector From Junk

It has been really cold here recently, I'm stuck inside. But! I have a ping-pong table AND a recently acquired automatic ping-pong ball launcher. Problem: a-lot of ping pong balls end up on the floor! I wanted something to make picking up ping-pong balls easier.

Instructables already had a Ping Pong Ball Picker Upper design, but I found another design for sale online that seemed better (My Ping Pong Buddy) especially because it could pick up balls under the table. The online version was $45, too much. Hey Instructables has a similar design Table Tennis Ball Collector However I don't want to go out for parts and Instructables is running a Trash To Treasure challenge, so.... I collected some bits and pieces laying around and made my's how you can make one too!

Supplies Required:

  1. Old badminton racquet (with a metal shaft)
  2. Fishing line
  3. Ice cream bucket OR Netting from oranges
  4. Broom handle or PVC pipe
  5. Duct Tape
  6. Zip Ties to fasten bucket or netting (or fasten with fishing line)

Tools Required:

  1. Scissors
  2. Propane torch (optional)
  3. Clamp to hold racquet while heating shaft and taping handles (optional)
  4. Box knife or Dremel tool to cut bottom off bucket
  5. Woodscrew long enough to go through handle and racquet handle (optional)
  6. Drill to predrill the woodscrew (optional)

STEP 1: Assemble Your Ping Pong Picker Upper

  1. Bend Shaft: The trickiest step to this entire process is bending the metal of the racquet shaft. Bend too hard and fast and it will snap (been there). Since I already had a small inexpensive propane torch I heated the shaft a bit before bending it and that seemed to help. A clamp came in handy for the torch and bend process.
  2. Remove Old String:. Note how I tried using the torch to get this started :-) but basically made a mess. Just cut any remaining strings and pull them out of the frame. You can't really use the old strings because it is one long string and the gaps need to be wider.
  3. Add New String: Used some super old fish line, and simply threaded the horizontal rows (skipping 2 holes between each line). No vertical strings are required. I made one continuous string with a knot at the beginning and the end.
  4. Add Collector: I intended to use a net as shown for the ball collector, but while removing the label the netting ripped. I had an ice cream bucket handy and it was just the right size. The bucket works great for pouring out the collected balls. Netting might be a bit lighter and allow to get under even tighter spaces. I used a Dremmel tool to cut the bottom of the bucket (bonus the bottom will come in handy for painting or collecting nuts and bolds). I used 3 zip ties to fasten the bucket. If there is no handle on your bucket you may have to punch holes for the zip ties. To save the cost of zip ties you could use some fishline to tie the bucket or mesh.
  5. Fasten the Handle: Since I had a broom handle handy, I decided to simply duct tape the handle to the racquet handle. For extra strength I added one wood screw (I recommend predrilling the hole for the screw). If you choose to use pvc pipe you should be able to sand the racquet handle down enough to allow the pvc to just fit over it, or simply tape it.

STEP 2: Test It Out!

I Like it!

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Good luck with all your projects!


Very good! :) Just to make a comment I would have used the racquet strings for the collector instead of the fishing line. I also made a lot of collectors starting from cheap badminton racquets that I bought on purpose to save some work and I put their string too. I am used to give the collectors I make as a present to the tabletennis clubs I visit and to the friends that I meet during tournments. I also make the repairs and I see that fishing line may be cut or broken when it gets caught on an edge or on the foot of a hurdle. Also the racquet string, being of a bigger diameter can sustain the balls with a lower tension giving a softer feeling when catching the ball from the floor, while on the other hand the fishing line is more jumpy and springy. Anyway, well done! :)
Thank you. If I make another one I will give this a try.
This racquet was so old the string seemed somewhat brittle and was one long string wound through the racquet. However I think if I had cut the string on every other row and tied the ends of the rows I wanted to keep string on, it would likely have worked and probably even saved me some time. Thanks much for the advice!
Nice work, a major back saving device.
I'm sure this could also be used as a great example project for someone to modify for their pickup needs.
Thanks, it really is, and yes, I wish I could make a variation that could pick up legos this easily :-)!
For the smaller Lego pieces stick a sock up the hose of your vacuum, elastic band round the end to stop it going up the hose, suck up all the pieces, hold the hose over the Lego box and turn off the vacuum 😁
Nice, thanks for that idea!