Playing With Junk P-2


Intro: Playing With Junk P-2

Hi there. It's me, Waldemar, and I've been playing with all sorts of trash again producing all sorts of stuff.

This is the second part of, I guess, ongoing series, so if you're curious where'i'ts all come from - visit part one:

Playing With Junk P-1

In this iisue I'd like to represent a couple of my new findings derived from my recent experimentations.


ANd the first thing is this

Ahm... it's art.

IDK. I have a lot of bicycle inner tubes and've been making all sorts of things out of them, but those nipple sections are always remain unused. I saw a coathanger made out of those somewhere, but I didn't quite liked the idea since, it seamed not that practical to me. But I've also seen those pebbles sewn in leather all around the Pinterest. They look pretty decorative, so I thought to combine those two ideas.

These pieces look quite interesting and I like how the rubber conforms to the shape of the stone. I also used it with wooden blocks and liked the results as well.

Maybe I'll experiment with this kind of crafting more in the future and be able to produce even more interesting objects.

I like to hold the pebble in my hand and fiddle with the nipple tube, so I guess, it also makes for a fidget toy.


Now, the other thing I've layed my eye upon is plastic caps from Tetra-Pak cartons. And if you're wondering what has happenned to the cartons themselves - here's an instuctable for you:

Vertical Gardening With Tetra Paks P1. Making Baskets

While not all cartons have the lids designed like those I'm using here - many of them do. So finding a way to reuse those is an interesting and potentially usefull challange.

Ofcourse, you can simply melt them into something useful as they're made of HDPE, and you'll find a whole bunch of tutorials on it on the internet. But it was challanging to me to find out a usage for them based on theit shape. So the first thing I usually do in this case is to grab some of my different junk deposits and figure out if those combine.

The lid, I'm showing here consists of three details: the cap, the basis and the pointy bit that tears out the mebrane in the pack on opening. And regularly sized wine corks fit within the basis snuggly.


Based on that was developing further concepts , and eventually came up with a couple of interesting ideas.

So, I took a couple of cardboard boxes (wooden blocks can be used instead) and hotglued plastic lid bases onto them. Some of them were glued along with corcs, while others - without (corks can be added/removed later - theinner surface of the opening has a screw grooves on it, so the corks can simply be screwed in for firm attachment).

Later I've added one more box. All together they form a modular structure with corks used as attacment joints, that can be rearanged and basicaly presents a constructor.

Ofcourse, the boxes were taken randomly here, but with more thought-out design and custom made blocks - this can be made into versatile constructor toy for different ages.

The other idea based on these bits I had is to make a keyholder box, by gluing the plastic bits to the board while using corcs as keychains. You can "plug" and "uplug" your key into board for convenient storage. Maybe it's something I'll develop in greater detail in my upcoming instructables.


This piece I've developed out of my Cork-in-a-Tube design from my previous Playing With Junk issue (I'll show them once again in the next step).

This is mostly a piece of curiosity, but also a great sensory toy presenting combination of textures within intricate shape.


And these are greater qality photos of the Cork-in-a-Tube design. It presents interesting texturecombined with rubber flexibility and is also a great fiddly toy for your hands.


And this is the last object for today. It's also kind of a toy on itself, but I have an idea as to the practical implementation of this structure - this is something, I'm going to show in my upcoming instructables.


So, basically this is it for this issue of Playing With Junk. I'll definitelly make more of these since this is something I enjoy to do anyway.

But this is it for now. Thanks for your attention and have a nice junk.

I'm writing instructables for two years now and realy enjoy doing this. And if you enjoy, what I'm doing, you can help me to evolve. Take a look at my Amazon wish list or send me an Amazon gift card using my email: Any couple of bucks will help.