Introduction: Pocket Sized Collapsible Eating Utensils.

About: I enjoy visiting the dump to look at, and take, all the free stuff people throw away. It's a lot of fun. I like Xbox live cus it's the best.
In this instructable, I'll show you how to make some really cool, collapsible, and versatile eating utensils. They're great on-the-go silverware, cooking, sampling foods, and endless possibilities!!! Read on for some funky utensils that will make you the envy of your friends.

These utensils can be collapsed to be pocket sized, and even smaller than normal eating utensils, or they can be extended for any sized hand. They're sturdy, and will last a long, long time.

ENJOY!! And please don't forget to VOTE for this instructable if you enjoyed it. I also appreciate comments.


Step 1: Materials and Tools.

For this little pocket project your going to need:

A spoon you don't mind getting rid of.
An extendable radio or television antenna.
Something to cut both the antenna and spoon.
Two part epoxy, JB weld for example.

I used a spoon with a narrow, neck, I guess you could call it. The narrower the better, this means that you can use one of the smaller slots on the antenna, therefore being able to make it extend further.

I used an antenna from a boombox I found at the dump, so far, it's one of the best uses I have found for them.

Step 2: Cut Spoon and Antenna.

Gather your spoon and your cutting device. You could use a hack saw, tin snips, aviation shears, a dremel, or break it off in a vice or the likes. Cut the head of the spoon off about one half of an inch down the neck, leaving your self with a little room for the spoon to fit into the antenna.

Now, take the head of the spoon and compare it to the different sized sections of the antenna. Find one of the sections that looks like it's the same width of the neck of the spoon, and cut ONE SIZE SMALLER than that piece. Push the cut off end into the bigger piece and make sure the spoon fits in the end.

Step 3: Construct Extending Spoon.

Now, take the head of the spoon that you cut off in the last step and make sure one last time that it fits in the section of the antenna that you wanted it to. If it doesn't fit quite right, use some pliers to flatten the antenna section just a bit so the flattened part of the spoon fits better.

Prepare your epoxy, making sure that it's half and half in quantity of the black substance to white substance. Mix it together and put a dab into the end of the antenna where the spoon will go.

Insert the end of the spoon into the dab, and then get some more epoxy mixture and put it around the part where the antenna meets spoon. Smooth it out and let it dry. I think that JB weld, what I used, takes something like 12 hours to dry at a warmish temperature. When it's done drying you can use it for a multitude of things.

Step 4: Old Utensil and New Utensil Comparisons.

After your utensil dries, you can make another for a matching set. So far I have done one fork and one spoon. These extending utensils can be used for many things. Fondue parties where an extending fork is neccesary, wanting to use your own silverware at resteraunts, going to an even where unsure if there will be utensils, bar-b-queing, reaching into deep pots of hot liquids, reaching over other plates, and many other things.

Here are some comparison pictures of regular utensils and the extendable ones. Keep in mind that the extended utensils in unextended form do fit in pockets. In fact, they fit very well in pockets, and are great for traveling!! They can also be extended to fit any sized hands, from babies, to grown men.

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