Pong on the Arduino by Pierson and Jace


Intro: Pong on the Arduino by Pierson and Jace

This is an instructable on how to play Pong on the arduino. It is told in five simple steps. We hope you enjoy our game!

STEP 1: Materials Used

These materials are what we used, If you found a use for something else, just remember, these are the bare-bones of this project.

-Arduino Nano/Uno

-Lots of jumper wires

-8x8 matrix led


-potentiometers (2)

-Case (you can use several different less expensive cases, this is just the one that we used)

- Masking Tape (to secure the wires to their inputs)

STEP 2: Fritzing Led Board

After you have all of the materials, you will need to start wiring. Below is a document to a diagram that will help you wire this Pong correctly. When you are finished connecting the wires to the matrix led board from the arduino, you should see all of the led's light up across the board. If it doesn't, unfortunately you will have to start over. When we did this, it took five times to get the proper fritzing. It's okay if you don't get it right the first time. The goal is to successfully do this, even if it takes patience.

Note: You will not be able to play yet- so don't expect to.

STEP 3: Attach the Code

As most people don't know how to code in C Plus language, we have provided you with a code. Below is a copy of the code link that you can access off of codebender.cc, copy and paste it.


When you get this code, download it to your arduino. For those of you that don't know how to do this, you simply make sure that your arduino is plugged into your computer, and then you click at the top of where your code is shown, click on "Verify", and then once it is verified you will click on "Run on Arduino". Your matrix board should start with a message and then you should be able to play, minus the potentiometers.

STEP 4: Attach Potentiometers and Test

This next step is partially fun, in our opinion. After a lot of fritzing, there is more-and also playing games. After you have fritzed the matrix board and the game works, it's time to get it ready to play. The next step is to attach two potentiometers- and to test if they work, by playing the game. With the fritzing diagram were two potentiometers, and they were connected to the arduino. These potentiometers are crucial to the game because they sense the movement you make it do and connect that to the led's. Attach the potentiometers the way they are in the picture and then you can test if Pong works out. If it doesn't, there is a problem with the wiring or the way the potentiometers are attached on to the board. Test it until the game works, and then have some fun.

STEP 5: Finalizing Pong

Now that you have successfully made pong, the last step is to make it easy to play. What I mean by that is placing the matrix board in a case and storing the wires with it so that it looks nice, neat, and accessible. You want people to look at it and think, "Wow! That seems like an interesting game!" However, if your game is still hanging out on the breadboard with all the wires in a fumble, people might look at it and think: "What is that? Why is it so messy?" To attach the board in your case and successfully hide the wires, in our instructable, the way to do this is to drill holes where the potentiometers can rest and tape down the pong board where this can rest. Your wires and the arduino will be hidden once you put your masterpiece into the case.

This is the final picture of what it should look like:



The golden knobs give the fancy touch.

I just miss a video of someone playing ;)

May I make a suggestion? To add a buzzer or speaker to sound the rebounds.

What a great coding project! Thanks for sharing!