Pong With 8x8 Led Matrix on Arduino


Intro: Pong With 8x8 Led Matrix on Arduino

Game Pong created with 8x8 Led Matrix on Arduino Diecimila (microcontroller Atmel ATMega 168). For more informations https://labs.bsoares.com/ping-pong-com-matriz-de-leds-8x8-ee13cce39007


what if my LED matrix was driven by MAX 7219? how would i change the code?

lograste hacerlo? yo tengo el mismo

Olá, pode me dizer como foram feitas as ligações dos pinos? Pois tentei o mesmo projeto mas não tive sucesso ainda, obrigado desde já, abraços!
Obs.: A minha Matriz de led 8x8 tem linha como catodo, carreguei mesmo assim a mesma programação que você usou, desconfio que o problemas esteja aí!
Olá, já faz um tempo que eu não brinco com Arduino, não sei se vou poder te ajudar. Tente trocar Low para High e High para Low no método doubleBuffer. Essa forma você troca o que seria positivo para negativo.. e vice-versa.


This link doesn't seem to be working? Could you post the source code please?

Bah, the site with the code 404s now. Did anyone grab it?
I am changing the server, will soon be in the air.

Soon? Four years ago already... :(

hii, i tried to make but its showing some random pattern on the matrix but not the game ......... please help me out.
You may have the matrix plugged in upside down on the circuit board.
This was the case when I assembled the circuit board first time.
how if im add AI (artificial intelegent) for this game ? and made this 3 level easy,medium and hard ? and i think this is COOL !!!
would you please show the diagram that how you connect the pin of the matrix to the Arduino?
Hello, pins configuration here: http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Main/DirectDriveLEDMatrix
Did you use that pin configuration to make this ping pong game?. or it is just a basis for the project?.
Do we need any complex circuitry such as shift registers?
Can i see the schematic of this? that would be a great help Thanks!!
In arduino playground it suggests we use resistors, because it might break, so do you have to because i dont have enough resistors?
Is it possible to use an Arduino Uno in making this project?
Thanks and Good day.
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