About: My whole life I have thought of ways to make things that you can only go out and buy, follow me and I will teach you how to make all sorts of things. Praise carbon!
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I would like to start by admitting that this is not my idea, the original came from this website , http://www.s2company.com/lab/index.php?topic=52.0 After finding this I was inspired to build my own for my 10th instructable. The one that the guy made required a pvc flute that you buy from a website called laughing crow for about 20$, but I wanted to make my own flute, so instead of buying one I took some scrap pvc and made my own. I started by taking measurements, where the total length is 19 3/4in, Then I did some research to try and figure out how I would put it together I finally decided that I would take a long piece of pvc and cut a 5 1/4in piece off of that then cut a slit one inch away from where the first cut was. Then cut and attach a connector piece that is 2 1/4in and put a piece of a dowel rod and put it In the right spot to produce sound. After that I added the survival contents and gave it again really bad A#! OD green paint job. The reason I built this is because a survival kit should be some thing that you have with you whenever you go into the wildernes, and whenever I go camping I like to bring some sort of instrument to entertain myself. If I ever were to get lost I would be happy knowing that I have this on me. building this is kind of difficult so I will try to explain everything with as much detail as I can. please vote for me, thank you.
Step 1:
The tools you will need are:
Measuring tape
Spray paint( your choice of color)
Paracord( 5 feet)
Wood beads
1/2 in pvc cap
20 in of 1/2 pvc pipe
A strip of webbing
Survival items
Ferro rod
Duct tape
Electrical tape
Paper tube
An assortment of hooks
2 swivels
5 weights
20 feet of 50 pound fishing line
Small knife
Aluminum foil
Hack saw piece
Survival instructions
Button compass
Old CD( for signal mirror
Water purification tablets.
Step 2:
Start by cutting a 19 3/4in piece of 3/4in pvc pipe.
Step 3:
Take your 19in piece of pipe and cut draw a line marking the point where you will cut the pipe in two. Next draw an oval where you will chisel out the sound hole the easiest way to do this is to mark two more lines, one will be 1 1/2in away from he first line this will be drawn on the longer side, and the second line will be 1in away from the original line and will be on the shorter side.
Step 4:
After drawing the oval cut the middle line.
Step 5:
Now cut out the oval.
Step 6:
Now measure a 1in piece of pvc pipe that is 2 1/4in in length.
Step 7:
I didn't have any 1in pvc so I had to improvise and took a 3/4 piece of pvc pipe and cut a slit Down the middle so it would be able to open up and expand. Next I put a 3/4 piece of wood dowel that was a centimeter shorter than the slit I cut in the long pipe. Then I slid the connector on and put the dowel in it.
Step 8:
I secured every thing with lots of hot glue and let it dry, I used hot glue because the heat actually melts the pvc together making it very solid.
Step 9:
Next I took a cork that was the same diameter as the inside of the pipe and drilled a medium sized hole in it an slid it into the top hole of the pipe this makes it more comfortable to play and to hold some survival items inside.
Step 10:
Drill 6 holes about an inch apart with a two inch gap between the top three holes and the bottom three holes.
Step 11:
Give your flute a few coats of paint all over, make sure that there is no roughness to the paint because this could affect the sound quality. Leave a section on the bottom unpainted so the cap will be able to come off and slide on easily.
Step 12: Building the Cap and Preping the Contents.
Start by taking the drill and drill a hole in the top of the cap
Step 13:
Take the scissors and cut two small holes in the end of the webbing then feed a 2 foot piece of paracord and poke it through the hole, take the ends of the paracord and now poke them through the bottom of the pvc cap.
Step 14:
Tie an overhand knot where the paracord comes out of the cap then slide 5 beads on to the end and tie another overhand knot.
Step 15:
Next take 9 more beads and slip them on to the end as well. At the very end of the rope tie a loop, along with at the top(this is where the knife will go).
Step 16:
Finally, on to th survival stuff. First take your Ferro rod with the two different types of tape on it and the fishing line on it and wrap the end of the webbing on it then slide it into the end of the pipe.
Step 17:
Now take your fishing kit held In a paper tube and slide it in as well.
Step 18:
Next take you're tin foil wrapped In floss or thread with the wire and two needles, and stick it in the tube along with the water purification tablets.
Step 19:
The signal mirror(piece of old disk), the hack saw piece, and the o ring go in next.
Step 20:
Now insert the compass and the rest of the webbing into the tube, and put on the cap.
Step 21:
In the front of the pipe I put a few cotton balls and th survival instructions that I downloaded and printed off, I got these from the website where I got the idea for this. I put everything in the top because I figured that would be the dryest place.
Step 22:
To make it easily carried I took some extra paracord I had lying around my room and made an adjustable shoulder strap so any one could wear it.
Final thoughts: I highly recommend that you put different items in your depending on the climate you live in, or if you like what I put in mine feel free to put what I put in your. Thank you for checking out my Instructable and please vote for me.