Introduction: Practice Kane (from Tin Can)

About: I have a FB page called "DIY Taiko". I am a classical trained composer, taiko player, and sound engineer. Most of my DIY are creative solution to a frugal living style. Sometimes it's just easier to …

First of all, if you've already own a kane, you probably don't need this. Just make a shumoku with wine cork*.

Here's a easy way to make a practice Kane (Chan-chi-ki) for your home practice. Of course, there are pros and cons.


  • Cheap
  • Quiet
  • Let you practice left hand muting
  • Somewhat responsive (so you know when your left hand confusingly mute the "chan")


  • Rather small (4" diameter, never managed to find a slightly bigger tin can)
  • Too light, unable to practice balance with the weight

*In the picture, you can also see a shumoku, I heard about it from multiple source. Basically it's wine cork cut to size with disposable chopstick. The longer hot-pot chopstick might be better, what you see on picture is normal chopstick and is way too short.

Step 1: Material and Tools


  • Large tin can, what I had was from Dole Pineapple Juice.


  • Small pliers
  • A pair of scissors (thin handle might be easier)
  • A metal spoon (one that you don't mind scratching)

Step 2: Cut the Can

  1. Clean your can and make sure it's dry. Opened tin can rust easily.
  2. Use the horizontal tracing as guide, cut out the upper part above 1-2 horizontal tracing.
    Tin can are soft enough to be cut by scissors, but be cautious with sharp edge!

Step 3: Cut Again

Now really following the tracing and give it a clean cut.

I would recommend cutting along the 2nd lowest line, for you will be bending the last line.

Step 4: Bend the Edge

This step is to bend the edge so it won't be dangerous.

Use the pliers to bend the edge to as close as 90 degrees, bit by bit. You can't go too far as the pliers are too long. The advantage of a small pliers gives it a overall evenly bent.

Step 5: Flatten the Edge

After the whole edge was bent, use your spoon to press the bent inward (doesn't have to be all the way).

When the "spooning" is done, once again use your pliers to flatten the edge all the way.

Step 6: Done!


If you find the chan (center hit) too loud, put a duct tape in it to damp it.

So far I only have played it with shumoku made with wine cork, therefore I don't know how it would sound with a regular shumoku.

Again, if you already own a kane, maybe you should just make a shumoku.