Pramuka-Bot: Morse & Semaphore Robot (Arduino Bluetooth Controlled)


Intro: Pramuka-Bot: Morse & Semaphore Robot (Arduino Bluetooth Controlled)

Hi there! Here's my first instructables, a mini Arduino project which called Pramuka-Bot. For your information, the word "Pramuka" stands for "Praja Muda Karana", it's a kind of Scout Movement in my country, Indonesia. This Pramuka-Bot can perform morse and semaphore at once. I made it with an Arduino Uno board, protoboard shield (optional), a bluetooth module HC-05, a buzzer (to perform morse, you can add/change with an LED) and 2 servo motors performing semaphore. First, please watch the demonstration video below. Also, I've improved this project with TFT LCD, you can read here: Pramuka Bot 2.0.

STEP 1: Demonstration


Please wait for its fully instructables. It's my first time here & I'm trying to make it complete as soon as possible. I've improved this project with TFT LCD, you can read here: Pramuka Bot 2.0. Thank you very much.


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Where can i find the source code for arduino uno and schematic