Introduction: Programmable Robot Car Using Mediatek LinkIt One Board and L293D Motor Driver IC
With the help of this Instructable, You will be able to make a Programmable Robot car using Mediatek LinkIt One board and L293D Motor Driver IC.
Here, LinkIt One Board is used as controller to drive the motors in respective directions.
Step 1: Components
1: Robot car chassi(like as shown in the image)
4 :200rpm DC Motors
Mediatek LinkIt One Board
1: L293D IC
Connecting wires
Step 2: Connections
Assemble the Motors on the Chassi as shown in the picture.NOTE:Connect the motors such that there will be 2 pairs of wires for motor.
L293D has 2 enable pins and VC1 as shown in the L293D IC diagram Connect both of them to 5V on LinkIt One Board.
From the L293D IC diagram:
INPUT 1-D2 on Linkit One board.
INPUT 2-D3 on Linkit One board.
INPUT 3-D7 on Linkit One board.
INPUT 4-D8 on Linkit One board.
OUTPUT 1- Any one wire of Left pair taken from motor.
OUTPUT 2- Remaining wire of Left pair taken from motor.
OUTPUT 3- Any one wire of Right pair taken from motor.
OUTPUT 4- Remaining wire of Right pair taken from motor.
VC2 - +16V from external supply.
4,5,12,13- GND on LinkIt One Board.
Step 3: Code,Compile and Run
Upload the code and Run!! Now your Programmable Robot Car is Functionable!
Thanks for Watching!!