Project B


Intro: Project B

This is Project B. It uses a tubular mag underneath the gun that you load like a shotgun. It uses the same stock as Project A and shoots white rods.


I'd tell you to post it but you probably broke it up by now.
i take pics of the inside of the gun so i can rebuild it later so i just have to find the pics
What this gun needs is a whole new stock without the tiny thumb hole or even better, a properly angled handle. And your gun lacks a basic but very required part: a pin-guide.
A pin guide isn't required but definitely put something on it to make it easier to pull back.
I agree with you on the pin guide idea but I dont know if I'll have time to because im working on a clip fed shot gun that has an internal firing mech so you dont have to worry about a firing pi sticking out of the gun :D
mag-/magazine fed. A clip is something like you load into an KAR-98K, simonov SKS or m1 garand.
It's pretty annoying when someone messes that up
its a mistake that is very confusing,because everyone is confused on the difference XD
mag-/magazine fed. A clip is something like you load into an KAR-98K, simonov SKS or m1 garand.
It's pretty annoying when someone messes that up
Ya I know it needs a better stock, I was thinking about trying a m16 stock eventually but I dont know when I'll get to doing that....
dont just rate this without adding a comment on what I should do to improve this!!