Project GoldFish


Intro: Project GoldFish

Ok today I'm going to help with your goldfish and give you lots of facts while helping you with breeding , keeping , and feeding!!

STEP 1: Choosing a Tank.

When you are thinking about setting up a fish tank you need to consider how many fish you would like to buy. If you want common or comet goldfish you will need 3 gallons (15 litres) of water for every inch (2.5cm) of goldfish length. That means, if you have 4 goldfish with each measuring 3 inches in length, you would require at least 36 gallon fish tank size to accommodate all your pets. However, bear in mind that common goldfish can grow up to 8-10 inches in length and thus your aquarium should be sized accordingly to cater for your pet’s maximum growth. Common mistake made by aquarium owners is to buy smaller tanks when they think that this is more than enough for the younger fry but later found out that, the fish tank size is in fact not big enough after all.

STEP 2: Choosing Your Fish

When you go to your local aquarium or pet shop that specializes in fish, be sure to check over the fish that they have in the store. You are looking for healthy fish that are well kept and well maintained. Make sure there are no dead fish, or that the tanks are not overcrowded and that the water is clear, not cloudy, if you see any of those signs, you should look to buy your fish from somewhere else.

be sure that when you choose your fish that they are compatible and that they won.t try to eat other fish in you tank. don't mix tetra fish with aggressive types.

STEP 3: Feeding Your Fish

Ok now to feeding as you might know this is probably the most important part of having goldfish.

Goldfish, and especially the fancy varieties, require a balanced diet with lots of live food. If you only feed your fish dry prepared foods available from the pet shop, they won't grow as fast, have as much color, or live as long as those fed a balanced diet that includes live food.

STEP 4: Breeding Info

Now its time for breeding info.

Goldfish have been cultivated by humans for centuries. Starting with a plain brown drab fish the Chinese, then the Japanese transformed it through centuries of selective breeding into what it is today. They now come in many colors, fin variations, body shapes and eye types that can rival the most exotic tropical and marine fish for beauty or bizarre looks.
After keeping them successfully for a while, thoughts turn to starting your own dynasty.
Breeding Goldfish is a fascinating (and often frustrating) hobby. But having an aquarium or pond full of healthy, thriving, high quality fish that you have raised from eggs is very rewarding.

Goldfish will spawn at 1 year, but the ideal age is between two and four years. Fish younger than this tend to throw small numbers of small eggs. Small eggs produce small fry which is not desirable. Fish older than this may spawn a large number of large eggs, but the number of infertile eggs and deformed fry is high.
Unless you are lucky enough to have purchased exceptional parents, you will have to make do with what you have. It will just take a little longer to produce that champion fish.

An interesting fact when breeding goldfish is that you are actually breeding the parents of your selected breeders. This shows itself in the quality of the fry. Any faults in the grandparents seem to miss a generation and then show up worse in the fry.
It's called the second generation throw-back factor.
An example of this was when I was given a pair of Water Bubble Eyes to breed by a goldfish wholesaler.
The female wasn’t too bad, good even-sized water bubbles, with a reasonably smooth back. The male however was a disaster. He had a long body with a dorsal fin. No serious breeder would ever consider breeding either of these fish. However, because of supply difficulties, I had no option.
The parents produced large numbers of high quality fry.
You can guess what happened when I bred the fry…large numbers of low quality fry, even though the parents had been selected from thousands of fry and were of the highest quality.
The poor quality of the grandparents came through strongly.
Goldfish Always Try To Revert Back To Type
What I mean by this is goldfish will always try and revert back to that drab single tailed, slim bodied ancestor with a dorsal fin that all goldfish came from. In every spawning, there will be a number of fry exhibiting very few of the desired traits of the parents (or grandparents). If the fry should have two caudal fins, many will have one. If the fry should have no dorsal fins, many will have partial fins or spikes.
So it goes without saying, but I will say it anyway…NEVER breed different varieties together.
I will repeat that again, it’s important… NEVER breed different varieties together. It is hard enough raising quality fry using exceptional parents without producing a spawn of rubbish that nobody wants. You may as well spend your time raising high quality stock you will be proud to show anyone.
We haven’t spent much time discussing goldfish breeding yet, but as you now understand, a lot of groundwork needs to be done before breeding can commence.
To learn how to identify the differences between the sexes and the pre-spawning conditioning required before you start your goldfish breeding preparation, click here.
If you have already observed your Goldfish breeding and have collected some eggs, go straight to the page on how to raise goldfish fry.

STEP 5: Enjoy Now

now its time to enjoy baby fish that you have bred and explore there world.

any questions follow me and if like please like and be my friend tar.:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)


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