Introduction: Protein Fudge
Greetings! Looking for a delicious snack? Then Protein Fudge is right for you! Let's make this!
Step 1: What You'll Need
1. A Bowl/Spoon
2. Popsicle Molds
3. Popsicle Sticks
4. Peanut Butter (any brand)
5. Protein (any brand)
6. Milk (and kind)
7. Cinnamon
Step 2: Mix Ingedients in the Bowl
There is no measuring ingredients when it comes to making this, you can add as much or less to your preference.
Mix the peanut butter, protein, cinnamon, and milk together with a spoon. It mixes rather easily, so a few times around is all you need.
Step 3: Insert Protein Fudge Into the Molds
Spoon the mixture into the molds and insert the stick. Place the mold in the freezer.
Step 4: Final Product
Remove the mold from the freezer (time is variable) and let the mixture thaw. It's very difficult to try and remove from the mold while it is still frozen. Once thawed, pull out the protein fudge. It may look disgusting, but protein fudge is a very tasty treat!