Push-Bike Station


Intro: Push-Bike Station

For a school assignment we had to design an existing cardboard box with added value.

So I came up with this push-bike station. Because these bikes don't have a stand, they're always laying around and taking up too much space.

In this design you can use the packaging of the push-bike to make the station. So the little children who own these push-bikes will have a 'parking station' specially for their bike, which they'll love.

STEP 1: Tools and Materials

For this instructable you'll need the following tools and materials:


- Cardboard packaging from a push bike(or just a regular cardboard box)


- Ruler

- Cutter

- Pencil

- Adhesive (optional)

STEP 2: Cutting the Cardboard Box

The packaging box used for this push-bike had the following dimensions: 590 x 320 x 140 mm

Before you start cutting the box, make sure it is completely closed. You can use some tape to close the box. (like it was originally packed)

The push-bike's wheels are 40 mm wide, so that means we need a slot that's 40 mm wide. Because one of the wheels will sit in this slot, the bike is kept standing.

First we need to draw some cutting lines.

I divided the box in three pieces as shown in the sketch. (dimensions are in mm)

When you cut these lines, you should have three pieces:

- two ends

- one middle piece

Next, cut or fold the middle piece open. The idea is that the cutted piece in between fits inside the two square ends.

I also made a little strip with the width of the wheels, 40 mm. I glued this strip on the center of the middle piece. So it's easier to fit the two ends correctly.

STEP 3: Assembling the Station

Now that we have all the pieces, we can start assembling it.

You can watch the video on how to assemble the box.

STEP 4: Finished Product

If everything went good, your little toddler should have his very own parking spot.