Putting Drain Holes in a Fire Pit


Intro: Putting Drain Holes in a Fire Pit

Are you tired of your fire pit looking more like a water pit? Here is a simple fix for this everyday problem.

Adding a couple drain holes will prevent your pit from collecting water and rusting your paint or the put itself or if rusting has already occurred it can prevent further damage.

STEP 1: Drain and Drill

Drain most of the water out, leaving a little to prevent overheating the bit when drilling. You can use a cutting fluid, but I just used the water because it is already there. Just make sure to dry your tools when done.

Eyeball about the middle and drill a hole or two.

Let the rest of the water drain out.

STEP 2: Scrub Out Rust

I used a soap filled steel wool pad first. Then I used a steel wire brush to scrub off some of the chunkier bits of rust and gunk.

STEP 3: Spray Out

Spray the pit out with the hose and you are done.

NOTE: You can scrub further to get more of the rust off and finish with a high heat paint made for grills. I skipped this step as my fire pit is stainless steel under the metallic paint.It is actually the metallic paint that is rusting. You can see a little of the stainless steel shining through. I plan to keep using mine and letting the paint burn off over time.