Introduction: Puzzle Piece Friendship Necklace
This DIY Puzzle Piece Necklace is very easy to create. This necklace is unique and creative. Also, this can be a friendship necklace if you make two like shown in this instructable. So, let's start!
Step 1: Supplies
Things you will need:
-Two Necklace Chains
-Two Puzzle Pieces (Make sure they connect)
-A Push Pin
-Two Necklace Chains
-Two Puzzle Pieces (Make sure they connect)
-A Push Pin
Step 2: Painting the Puzzle Pieces
It's time to paint the puzzle pieces!
Paint the bottom first, using silver paint.
Let dry completely.
Then, paint the top of the puzzle pieces with colors of your choice.
I chose to do blue, red, yellow, and purple multicolored.
I mixed blue and yellow to create green.
Let dry completely.
Paint the bottom first, using silver paint.
Let dry completely.
Then, paint the top of the puzzle pieces with colors of your choice.
I chose to do blue, red, yellow, and purple multicolored.
I mixed blue and yellow to create green.
Let dry completely.
Step 3: Using the Pushpin and Finishing
Now it's time to take your pushpin and make a hole for the necklace chain.
Use your pushpin to make a small hole in the puzzle pieces, and then keep working your way and make the hole bigger.
Put your necklace chain through, and your finished!
Clean up your work area. Wear one of the necklaces you just made give the other to your best friend!
Enjoy and Have fun!!