Quick Clean-up Mat


Intro: Quick Clean-up Mat

Cleaning up toys can be such a hassle sometimes, so I set out to create a mat that could turn in to a bag or easily pick up items. I had seen similar concepts on the internet, but I wanted to make something that would be made out of material that I could easily acquire and something I could sew (relatively) fast.

STEP 1: Quilting Squares

1: Depending on your availability, cut or buy 92 5x5 in squares of cloth (I cut them because I have a ton of fabric I wanted to unload)

STEP 2: Iron Squares

2: Iron squares. Skipping this step is fine if you are short on time.

STEP 3: Design Squares Layout

3: Exclude the 4 corners on the ends because you will turn this into a circle. My finished design was 9x9 squares and then there were rows of 1x7 on each edge. (see picture)

STEP 4: Sew Squares Into Pairs

4: Putting rights sides facing down along an entire row an pin them. Sew one long stitch down til you reach the end. DO NOT SEW BACKWARDS! After cutting it, it should look like a banner.

STEP 5: Sew Squares Into Rows

5: Repeat step 4 for all the rows, still stitching one long stitch. 2 sides of the square should not be stitched.

STEP 6: Cut Seams

6: Once you have finished stitching long ways, cut the seams between each square.

STEP 7: Iron Seams

7: Iron the seams facing open.

STEP 8: Sew Rows Together

8: Pin and sew the rows of squares together.

STEP 9: Iron Rows

9: Iron seams facing out.

STEP 10: Cut the Back

10: Using an old sheet, cut a square a bit larger than your patchwork.

STEP 11: Draw and Cut Circles for Front + Back

11.Using a 18in ruler, chalk and a pencil make makeshift compass. Put the pencil in the middle of your cloth and line the ruler up to it. Then keeping the ruler by the pencil go all the way around marking each spot with chalk. Draw the lines together to make a circle. Place onto of your patchwork and use it as a guide to cut a similar circle.

STEP 12: Find Circumference of Project

12: Find the circumference by multiplying r*2*π or use a online circumference calculator. Convert your answer to feet by dividing by 12. Mine was about 9 1/2 feet.

STEP 13: Cut Long Strips for Outer Edge

13: Cut 2 4in x(in my case 4 1/4 ft, just half circumference that you got in previous step) and cut 2 4x6 rectangles.

STEP 14: Sew End Seams on Strips

14: Fold and Sew end seams on all four rectangles previously cut.

STEP 15: Stitch Seam on Long Strips

15: Take 1 of the longest strips and iron it in half. Stitch together. Leave about 2 inches of unsewed area on the edges. Repeat with 2nd strip.

STEP 16: String Paracord String

16: Attach your Paracord string to a safety pin. Using the safety pin, bunch up your fabric and pull through until you reach the end.

STEP 17: Prep Paracord

17: Use a cold iron to push the paracord to the edge of the fabric pin every 6 in or so.

STEP 18: Pin Project

18: Align your circles with right sides facing together. Insert the strips on both sides with the seam your did in step 15 facing out. Where the strip ends, place the smaller strip of fabric inside the area you didn't sew and between the two circles. (See photo) Pin everything together.

STEP 19: Stitch Assembly of Project

19: Stitch everything together! Leave a 3 inch opening. Since it was such a big thing, I stitched about 1/4 of the way, reinforced my stitch and checked to make sure everything looked good by flipping it right sides out.

STEP 20: Turn Right Sides Out

20: Flip out. Fix any mistakes that you can see.

STEP 21: Finishing-Ironing

21: Iron the edges and fold open seams down.

STEP 22: Finishing-Stitch Outside

22: Increase your stitch length then sew all the way around. Be sure to back stitch.

STEP 23: Finishing-Tie and Test

23: Tie paracord ends together and test your project!

STEP 24: Extra Photos

And finally, some the pictures I took when my doggo decided that this was going to be her new bed:


Thank you so very much!
I have a fabric panel that I have been intending to use to make a play mat with drawstring for something like this for my grandnephew.I had pulled a heavy piece of canvas out to use as backing but ... something just didn't seem right and I couldn't make myself cut into the fabric or start the project. Enlightenment dawns!!
A sheet is the perfect answer to my mental dilemma and block. I have a couple of old ones that have been delegated to "random use", and this will be perfect! My project will be somewhat larger, but suitable for a 3 year-old child for playtime.
Thank you for the bolt of wisdom! I can now make this project and get it to him before he has children of his own!