Quick Crochet Octopus


Intro: Quick Crochet Octopus

Have you ever been in the mood to make something quick? If so, this is the project for you!

STEP 1: Overview

start a magic circle with 6 stitches on it

inc: increase

dec: decrease

n: normal

1- 1 inc, 1 dec: 9 stitches overall

2- 1 inc, 1 dec: 12

3- 1 inc, 1 dec: 17

4-1 inc, 1 dec: 27

5- 1 inc, 1 dec: 39

6- n- 39

7- n - 39

8- n- 39

9-n- 39

10-n- 39


12- n- 39

13-n - 39

14- n- 39

15- dec, n-27

16- dec, n-17

17- dec-8



STEP 2: Magic Circle

The first step is to make a magic circle with 6 stitches. I would suggest looking up a video on how to do all basic stitches and a magic ring if you don't know already, as it is hard to explain. First you need to pinch your wool between your thumb and your palm. Next, wrap the wool down behind your hand, then back up the front of your fingers. Wrap your wool back down the back again, but bring it back up again in a cross with the first. Get your crochet hook, put it under the first piece of wool and hook the second under it. Twist it round so the hook part is facing up and hook your wool from the ball. Hook this through the loop created by the x. You can now take it off your hand. Hook your crochet hook through this ring and hook the wool from the ball through. Do this until you have 6 stitches

STEP 3: Increase

Increase by doing a stitch as normal, but going through the same hole again to do the next stitch. Do 1 increase, 1 normal stitch for 5 rounds

STEP 4: Normal Stitch

Do a normal stitch, no increases, no decreases, for 9 rounds

STEP 5: Decrease

Do a decrease stitch by starting off as normal, but instead of just going through one go through the one after it also before pulling more wool through with your hook. Do one decrease, one normal stitch for 3 rounds

STEP 6: Eyes

Put the eyes on. I used safety eyes, though you could use felt, wool, buttons or anything you want. If you are not using safety eyes, you can wait untill it is stuffed to attatch the eyes. Attatch safety eyes by choosing where you want to put them, poking them through a hole to make it easier, then attatch the back to them tightly

STEP 7: Stuff

Stuff your octopuse's body with toy stuffing. If you dont have any you could use an old pillow, fabric scraps or even just wool!

STEP 8: Close

Keep decreasing untill the hole is closed. To end the crochet, cut your wool and pull it fully through the loop, instead of creating a new one.
Get your crochet hook and stick it into the body to the top, hool the loose thread through to the bottom if it can reach.

STEP 9: Tentacles

Make a small circle out of wool, pull a bit of the side connected to the wool ball through to create a loop, chain 10 stitches from that. Insert your hook into the first stitch and stitch through it, creating a ring. Stitch one before chaining three. Insert your hook into the next hole and repeat untill you are back at the start. It should look something like this:

STEP 10: Attatch

Use a wool needle or your hook to sew the two together using the spare thread from your octopus that you got to the bottom. Insert your hook through a stitch near the inner ring of the tentacles, into the bast of the main body, and back out again near your wool. Pull yhe wool fully through. Repeat as if you were sewing untill your tentacles are fully attatched.

STEP 11: Finishing

With your exess thread, pull it with your hook (or wool needle) through to a different part of the octopus and cut it. Once you have no spare wool visible you are done!
