Quick Doggy Bath (waterless)


Intro: Quick Doggy Bath (waterless)

15 minute quick dog bath no water required. Visit youradog.wordpress.com for in depth tips and more dog stuff.

STEP 1: Brush in Circular Motions Using Rubber and Cornstarch

Rubber as in a rubber brush Cornstarch as in cornstarch-- sprinkle it in their fur so it gets to their skin-- its anti-itch and brightens their cost. Zoom groom by kong makes a great brush

STEP 2: Spray Waterless Dog Shampoo

Spray on coat and rub it in with your hands

STEP 3: Use a Brush to Deshed

A brush like the furminator works best, brush from top of head to base of tail.

STEP 4: Wipe Eyes and Ears and Paws

Use dog specific wipes (earthy brands Carry them as do generic jewel brands)