Introduction: Quick & Easy Hanging Pegboard Pot & Pan Rack

About: i do anything, i love outdoors, and indoors, basically just love to hang out with friends, ultimate frisbee is the bomb, try to stay calm and remember Don't Panic

I, like everyone else, was looking for a good storage solution in the kitchen. So I turned by eyes to Julia Child and decided to go with a pegboard wall that I could hang on an unused door in my apartment. After a super quick trip to the hardware store i had everything I needed.

Step 1: Materials!!!!

Ok, so we can go for any size we want, but I wanted something that fit on my door and wouldn't require too much hassle. It just so turns out that a 2ftx4ft precut pegboard works perfect.

- 1x (2'x4') pegboard sheet
- 2x (1"x2") pine furring
- ~20 short screw
- 2x eye-bolts
- 2x door hooks
- 1x Pack of pegboard hooks
- 1x Cherry Red Spray Paint (I have a strong Red theme in my kitchen)

Step 2: Cut the Boards

So in order to support the thin board we're gonna put a strip of wood arorund the edges and one to brace the middle.

Cut List:
- 2x 24"
- 2x 45"
- 1x 21"

Step 3: Screw in the Supports

Now, just line up the wood strips and screw 'em in!

Note: (I didn't take any pictures of the sanding, but i did smooth the edges)

I found it best to start with the top board (or bottom, which ever spans the entire width) and work my way around. If you measured twice before you cut everything should line up well.

Step 4: Spray It Down!

Now you're ready to paint it!

Make sure it's in a well ventilated space and get a good smooth coat. Then do it again... and again...

I only did 3, (and after a few years it's held up nicely)

Step 5: Ta-da!!!

All finished!

Screw the eye-bolts in the top and move the pegboard hooks around to figure the best configuration of pots.

Toss some hooks onto the door and hang the pegboard up and you are ready to rock.

edit: i have since moved and no longer have a random door in my kitchen, so i found some studs and mounted it straight to the wall.