Quick and Simple Wall Mounting


Intro: Quick and Simple Wall Mounting

A way to make mounting things on the wall/drilling holes much easier.

Items Needed

Option A


Option B



This is all you need, minus the tools for mounting eg stud detector nails etc. Or if you're just working straight into the gib board pins or tacks will work.

STEP 1: Scanning and Printing

Scan and print to 100% scale with a scanner and printer or a photocopier. The option to print to 100% scale should be under your printing/page options.

STEP 2: Mounting

Put the pins/nails/tacks whatever you may in to where they should be mounted while holding the to size printed paper on the wall. After that mount your object and you're done :). Fairly simple, and I didn't come up with this idea myself but I thought I would share a neat little way to mount things while keeping them accurate.


I know this Instructable is a couple of years old but if someone happens to come across it like I did, I thought I'd add an idea in case you are in more of a hurry and still need accurate holes for wall mounting.

Put masking tape over the holes on the phone (or whatever) and poke threw or mark them on the tape, then use the tape as your template for the wall. Easy, fast, and accurate every time. Just another option. :)

That's pretty clever :D, thanks for the comment!

Clever. I use the same technique to figure out precise laser cutting sizes for small items. Take a scan, pop it into Illustrator or Corel, then keep the canvas size consistent.

So simple - awesome.