Introduction: Quilted Nails

About: We live in a world so twisted it requires someone else's permission to feel beautiful ~ I'm Tayla. ilyasm
Quilted blankets and handbags are a bit hard to make, but quilted nails are really easy! You don't need any stripping tape or anything to make these gorgeous nail designs. :)

Step 1: Materials

• Nail polish colour of your choice
• Top coat
• Plastic Tooth Floss (for quilting!)
• Nail Glitter (or just sparkly nail polish)

Step 2:

Paint a bottom coat on your nails first (this is a must-do)!

Step 3:

Paint two thick coats of your favorite nail polish and let them dry for five to seven minutes. Make sure the polish doesn’t dry completely for the lines to be created.

Step 4:

Take a flosser and roll it diagonally across your nail to create three indents into your nail polish.
Then roll the flosser across your finger diagonally the other way. This will make the quilted squares all over your nail.

Step 5:

Dip your brush in your sparkly nail polish and paint dots in the intersections of the quilted squares.

Dip your brush in some clear polish and paint dots in the intersections of the quilted squares. This will make the glitter stick on.

Step 6:

Skip this step if you didn't use glitter dots.

Dip your brush in water and use it to pick up the glitter dots. Place the dots carefully where you painted your clear polish dots.

Step 7:

Add a top coat to your finished nail design. Yay! :)