Introduction: Quintessential Way to Knot Your Thread When Sewing

About: We share our Craftsman in the Allendale district of Oakland with three cats and a lagamorph named Shug R. Bunn. I also BookCross:
Simple thing, right? Thread your needle and then put a knot at the end.

I looooove to sew - absolutely dreaded to HAND sew because I always had trouble with where my knot would end up.

My fellow sewers feel me. I'd try to tie off my thread by looping it around the very end of the length, on my fingertips, pushing that little knot down tight as near to the end of my thread as I could get. And woe-was-me if I was sewing with a single strand and had to try to tie a double knot. Getting that second knot to lie right on the first was always a struggle. UGH!

So, here's an Instructable about a trick that saved my sanity and opened up a new world (I could have never started to do Hawaiian quilting, which is all handsewn, without it) of enjoyment.

Step 1: Step 1

First, Thread your needle. Now!:

Hold an end of the thread between your index finger and the needle, near the sharp end.

Step 2: Step 2

Wrap the thread around the needle three times.

Step 3: Step 3

Grip the wrapped thread between the thumb and index finger of the other hand.

Step 4: Step 4

Let the needle pass your fingertips while maintain a grip on the wrapped thread region. Pull the thread until the wrapped region get to the end of the thread.

And so! You have a knot perfectly placed at the end of your thread and your hands aren't all cramped up, or anything. Easy-peasy!