Introduction: RFID Educator - Educacción

Active learning is a variant of teaching that brings to the classroom a set of

meaningful pedagogical strategies; in order to seek that the student discover the knowledge Through interaction with learning objects, we develop a multimedia system that allows learning on three levels regarding microprocessors, SoC and microcontrollers. This system offers a virtual and physical feedback through a test that uses serial communication and processing with arduino. The interactive objects responsible for transmitting the information and verification if the student reaches a conceptual, methodological and functional level visually, plus the experience provided by the application in the unit. The scope of The different levels of learning can be provided with a test to the user, where for its correct development is used a cube with logos of boats that give a visual impression in the first instance of what is intended to develop, subsequently vessel information is allowed and it is allowed to choose the means by which it will be evaluated, multiple selection, type puzzle and a functional mechanism where the problem in a context that allows you to put into practice the knowledge acquired earlier in the development of the experience.

Step 1: ​Materials for RFID Educator

  1. RFID-RC522
  2. Arduino Mega
  3. Jumpers "male-female" and "male-male"
  4. Led´sStraw carton, a sheet
  5. Silicone

The first thing we will do is to make the physical part of the device, for this we will make a cube where the rfid cards will be, the measures of the cube are 10cm x 10cm.

The base of the cube will be another cube with a space at the top to introduce the cube of answers. the recommended measures are 25cm x 25cm x 10cm, with the hole centered on the upper face of this, leaving 7.5cm on each side, with a depth of 5cm, it is important not to place the lower cover.

Step 2: Connecting Arduino and RFID

In this part we will have to connect the RFID reader in arduino in the way that is shown in the image, for this we will use the jumpers.

Then we will produce this code in the arduino mediate the arduino id, in the code when we store the codes of the rfid cards that we will use to select the answers, then it is compared with the card that we make to the reader, and arduino sends a letter assigned to each card .

Arduino Code RFID -> file "Propuesta2.ino"

If you do not know the identification codes of each rfid card, you can use this code to know it, and to enter it in the evaluation code

Arduino Code to Read -> file "RFID Read.ino"

Step 3: Virtual Part

For the virtual part of the device, "processing" will be used, a program that will allow generating feedback to the user through videos and images.

In the attached folder, you will find the code that will allow you to carry out this feedback, keep in mind that you should only open the ".pde" file, without modifying any element that is in the folder.