RFID Reader + Tags Programmed to Play Videos


Intro: RFID Reader + Tags Programmed to Play Videos

With this instuctable I will show you how to build and program an RFID with tags linked to your favorite videos. Also there will be a PDF file, that you will be able to download, with the shape of a box to cover it and make it nicer, but also to protect the rest of the materials.

For this project you will need:

- Arduino UNO - R3.

- SparkFun RFID Evaluation Shield - 13.56MHz.

- RFID Module - SM130 Mifare (13.56 MHz).

- 2 Stackable Headers - 8 Pin

- 2 Stackable Headers - 6 Pin

- Tags (The number of the tags depends of the number of videos you want to link to them).

- 1 LED (only if you want to add the action of turn it on when a Tag is detected).

- Wood or cardboard to build the box to cover all of it.

STEP 1: Step 1: Build the Board.

We are going to start connecting the parts that should be attached together.

In my case, the RFID module was already connected, but I'll show you a simple scheme to know where and how to connect the first part.

Connect the SM130 Mirafare writer with the SparkFun RFID Evaluation Shield. In the next Image you will see where to connect it and a simple scheme with the PinOut view.

STEP 2: Step 2: Connect the RFID and the Arduino UNO

Now it's time to connect the RFID with the Arduino UNO. For this step we are going to need the RFID part we already did, the Arduino UNO and the stackable headers.

I did a simple scheme to know where to connect the headers and where to connect each component.

It should be at the end as in the last 3 pictures.

After do it, if you want to ad a LED, I put it connected to GND and D13.

STEP 3: Step 3: the Box to Cover the Components.

The box has been done and designed to be builded without glue it.

I cut it with a laser cutter, so it made it very simple. In your case, if you don't have a similar tool, please think about your possibilities to cut it with an other technique and so the material you choose. In my case I wanted to do it in wood, but feel free to use the material you want. I will ad the PDF file totally editable. It has layers with the info to customize it. I added, in case you have a laser cutter, a layer to engrave and customize your box, and an other with the holes for the connections and the LED.

STEP 4: Step 4: Arduino Code

Well, in this part I will show you how to connect the tags to your videos. For this step you will need Arduino program and Processing.

There you have the coding that allows your RFID to read the tags. Remember to change the code according with the serial of your tags. (I uploaded it in the *.TXT and Sketch of arduino file)

After you have try the tags, changing their number in the code, it is time to link the code with the processing.

For more info about how to link arduino and processing files, visit this page.

http://playground.arduino.cc/Interfacing/Processing here you will find more info about how to link both codes for an interaction, like in my case link the RFID tags with my videos.

https://www.processing.org/reference/libraries/ In this other link you will find other possibilities to link to your tags, like images, music, etc...

Remember that I linked videos, but the possibilities are up to you and your needs.

STEP 5: Step 5: Processing Code

Now it is time for the Processing code. I will upload the coding file, but remember that it may give you an error because maybe there is not going to be a Video linked to it. So make a folder for it, with the data folder where you should put the videos you want to link. Remember to link the name of the videos too in the code, otherwise is not going to work.

I attach a ZIP file with the folders, a free test video where you are going to need to replace the file and the name in the code. When you open this file, be sure you have the arduino code also working with the RFID connected to your computer.
