RS Woodcutting Guide


Intro: RS Woodcutting Guide

In this guide i will show you the best ways to 99 Woodcutting!

STEP 1: 1-20 Woodcutting

Cut normal trees till 20 woodcutting. This should take 40 mins if your quick.

STEP 2: 21-35

Cut Oaks till 35 Woodcutting.

STEP 3: 36-50

This is where Woodcutting gets exiting! Cut Willows till 50.

STEP 4: 51-70

Yes, this this will take ages. it takes the longest too. cut Maples till 70 or if your not a member cut willows till 70.

STEP 5: 71-99

Ok... This is the longest one of them all. yews till 99!

STEP 6: Map for Willows

This should help for the willows.


Ah i remember my days on runescape. I had like 78 wood cuting and 57 crafting level 60 somtin combat. geez I look back and Im pretty embaressed about how much i would play
RS is lame now.
Man, this is old. I haven't played rs in ages. But from what i remember i cut willows for 35 to 50 or something and maples till whenever.
try playing habbo i like it ive been playing for 1 year and im addicted to it in total i spent 150 hours in front of the computer screen :)
back then party hats were worth 400 coins now 400mil you should of kept the party hats till now
Not having played this game, could you tell me how long (in hours) this takes you from 0 to 99? L
Days, months, weeks... years... A very, very long time... Atleast 50 hours if your a moderate willow cutter. (just that part)
Crikey! You spent 50 hours chopping virtual wood? These games developers are sadists! I watched a friend of mine playing a game where you had to do work to earn money (virtual money) - He'd spent all day doing a real job to earn real money and he relaxed with that...

I hope that when you get to level 99 you're really good at chopping heads off?

No, I forget what it was though. L
lol. I kinda (almost) quit playing about 2 years ago... You could buy the 'best' armor for about 20 hours of cutting... Then you could go pvp, it was fun, untill they killed off the pvp...
i stoped after 3 year mostly mining and killing from time to time
its back on some worlds, just really bad