Race Away (original)


Intro: Race Away (original)

today we're going to make a new game!

lets go!

STEP 1: Upgrades and Downgrades

first make the upgrades and downgrades. The upgrades and downgrades i made are:

roll again, train incoming, stop sign, petrol or gas station, red light, flat tire, boost/speed up, fill up and a boat pick up

I just drew them on paper but you can do it however you want. :)

STEP 2: The Board

Next, make the board, I just made a simple design like so.

STEP 3: Add the Upgrades and Downgrades

finally, add the upgrades and downgrades to the board!

STEP 4: Rules

each piece starts with 5 fuel and each tile movement uses 1 fuel

you roll a dice and whatever it lands on you can move that amount or less spaces

STEP 5: Boost/speed Up

you get to move a certain amount of tiles (choose how many at the start of the game 1-5) without using fuel

STEP 6: Fill Up

you get a fill up on fuel! You get +5 fuel if you land on this

STEP 7: Flat Tire

oh no! You got a flat tire! -1 turn

STEP 8: Red Light

uuuuugggghhhh! A red light. The worst. -1 turn

STEP 9: Petrol Station

you find a petrol station! +4 fuel


A stop sign. Whyyyyyy. -1 turn

STEP 11: Train Incoming

A train is in the way. JUST LET ME FINISH! -2 turn

STEP 12: Roll Again

Just like the title says! Roll again