Rainbow Pendant


Intro: Rainbow Pendant

This Is a Rainbow I designed out of modeling clay, using the Pinch Technique.

STEP 1: Make the Base

First of all you have to take some modling clay and put it for 3 seconds in the glass of water.

Then you separate the modeling clay into three parts.

With each of these parts you have to knead them like a worm, see picture.


Now you have to put the three pieces on top of each other.


You can include some clouds if you want and you've to make a hole on the rainbow so you can hang it up later.

STEP 4: Coloring

Now you can design the rainbow in the color you want.

After you have designed it, the rainbow needs to dry 5 hours.

STEP 5: Last Step

Now all you have to do is tie the string around the hole in the rainbow.

Yeah you're done. :)