Introduction: Raspberry Pi B+ LEGO Case (Smaller Footprint)

Most Raspberry Pi Lego cases on the net had a 13x9 lego-dot footprint.

I wanted to make mine smaller.

I present to you the 12x9 lego-dot Rasperry Pi B+ LEGO Case.

It fits the board perfectly, no movement whatsoever!

You will need two unusual pieces - one of which I have never seen before (last photo on this page)

Step 1: More Photos

I tried to give a detailed photo of every important point.

The parts I used were the ones' I had, not the best for the job.

I'll try to meddle with the cover, maybe find some parts with holes in them for ventilation.

And maybe order parts to better colour-match the whole thing.

If there are any questions or anything that needs explanation or just a better photo - I'll be happy to help.

Good luck,
