Introduction: Ray Gun Volume Control

My son has a ray gun.

It is very loud & annoying!

My wife said "take that thing to TechShop & don't bring it back until its silent!"

Step 1: Crack It Open

I took it to the electronics lab at TechShop & opened it up to see what I was working with.

Step 2: Prep the Speaker Wire

I decided rather than making it completely silent, I'd install a volume control.

I cut one of the speaker wires & stripped the ends.

Step 3: Install Trim Pot

I spliced in a 1kΩ trim pot.

Be sure to use heat shrink or something similar so the leads don't short.

Then glue in place with some hot glue.

Step 4: Drill Access Hole

Finally, drill a hole to access the trim pot with a screw driver.

Violà, happy wife!