Recycle Old Jeans Into a Wrench Set Case


Intro: Recycle Old Jeans Into a Wrench Set Case

No I said wrench, not wench, I can't imagine one wench let alone a whole set of them.  Anyway I have many pseudo reliable vehicles which requires me to carry tools around.  I also have spent some time unexpectedly working on my vehicles when I was poorly dressed for the occasion, this can reek havoc on pants.  So I thought I would take life's lemons and make lemonade. (Not literally, that would be another instructable).
To help organize my wrenches, because transporting wrenches in the plastic holder thingy that comes with them usually ends up with a broken wrench holder, I made a roll-up wrench holder from an old beat up pair of jeans.

STEP 1: Things You Need

1) An old pair of jeans (or at least jeans you don't mind cutting up, I'm a bit too modest to keep wearing these)
2) Scissors
3) A sewing machine or other form of fixing two pieces of fabric together
4) A ruler or measuring tape (optional)
5) Wrenches (optional, I guess you could leave it empty or put screw drivers in it)
6) Sharpie or some way to write on the jeans 

STEP 2: Snip Snip

Now its time to cut.
Cut off one of the pant legs at the crotch level
Cut up the side of the pant leg

I cut along the seam of the pants, so I would have at least one hemmed edge

STEP 3: Fold and Layout

Fold the pant leg lengthwise, but not in half.  The top layer should be shorter than the bottom layer.

Then mark every two inches so you know where to stitch the pouches.

STEP 4: Sew Its Come to This!

Now sew through both layers of fabric to create pouches everywhere you marked and at each edge

STEP 5: A Little More Cutting

Cut a 1 inch wide band of pant leg and cut it at one seam to make a long strip.

STEP 6: Almost Done

Now sew the center of the strip to one end of the tool roll.  This serves as a tie for when the wrench case is rolled up

STEP 7: Thats It!

Now fill it with tools, roll it up and tie it. 


The old jeans (or any other material you may like) make great wrench rolls.
You can also use them for screwdriver sets.
Only limited by your imagination.
Put the pocket to use... like for your little multimeter...
Thanks for the comments, I also made a tool bag out of the rest of the pants, but its not that great and I got the idea from another instructable. I works pretty well though.
This is so fun to see. My mom made one of these for my dad's wrenches years ago and he still has it. I have asked my wife to make me one (I know I should just do it myself but there are fun electrical and mechanical projects higher on my list.) So when I showed her this she said send me the link and she would work on it. So thanks and keep up the good work. ps. one thing different that my mom did was cut the part that covers the wrenches at an angle so that the little wrenches couldn't slip into a deep pocket so you didn't have to go dig for them. Also she sewed on strips of denim on the side sort of like a sleeping bag string so that the tie part couldn't get lost.
Sorry you also had sowed on the side strings. I missed step six some how. Again nice job on reusing old jeans.
When I saw the picture, I thought it was a pleated jeans skirt. I couldn't help but think that any lass wearing a pleated jeans skirt with a wrench set should both have dinner and steal my heart away from me!
Haha. I thought it was a skirt with a wrench set as well. I thought to myself "If I had to wear a skirt, this would be it!"

Oh Man! This . . . This is brilliant! My great grandpa gave my dad all his woodworking tools from eons ago and so I grew up around sturdy and practical ways to store tools (the hex and crescent wrenches are stored like this!) who were in their own way sturdy and practical so in my innocence I assumed that this was just the way tools were! Full of character you know? Anyway, my starry eyed dreams crashed all around me when I began building up my own collection of tools for this and that when I realized that practically everything comes in cheap plASStic. (heh I wouldn't mind inheriting the aforementioned tools should my pop ever get bored of em ;) but for now he's just as crazy about working on stuff as I am)

I just got done replacing the exhaust system on my car and spent quite a lot of time with wrenches thoroughly annoyed at the case they came clipped to and continually fell out of! I, for some reason, never thought that those jeans hanging in my closed which I keep for equally mysterious reasons could finally find a use!

Thanks for this excellent submission (and humor too!)