Recycling Unwanted Magnets


Intro: Recycling Unwanted Magnets

Create new magnets with your own design on it. Be creative when you are getting pictures. :)

STEP 1: Gathering Supplies

All you need is:

      super glue (or glue)
      favorite picture (or document)
      old magnet

STEP 2: Cutting

Cut out the picture. Make sure there is plenty of space to fold back onto the back of the magnet or else it will turn out like mine (mine). I changed mine a few times.

STEP 3: Folding

Fold the corners of the picture. Make sure there is plenty of room at the back or else it may fall of.

STEP 4: Gluing

Glue the back of the flaps to the magnet to make it stable.


Nice. These look just like the magnets that we occasionally send out. With a screen-printing project, you could manufacture your own Instructables prize packs!
We get magnets with our phone books, usually a lawyer... I use a gluestick, laminator, and photos of my dog. Never thought to make an instuctable... It's a good idea though.
thanks. :) sorry for using the idea:()