Introduction: Refreshing Purple Grapes Candies

About: Web developer, completed online creativity course from standford university. My vision is to create 1 new idea daily to remain 365 days creative

I am very fond of fruits. So I decided to do something with black grapes and black beauties are simply a powerhouse of antioxidants, vitamins & minerals and more over fabulous for the skin & for all round health as well.

Step 1: Black Grapes, “queen of the Fruits"

Ingredients required
5 nos. of fresh black grapes
20 g coco powder
20g milk powder
10g butter
10g sugar
15 ml Water  
Tooth pick sticks ( 5 in nos)

Cooking time : 15 Minutes

Step 2: Mix Coco Powder, Milk Powder, Butter, Sugar and Water and Make a Smooth Paste

Step 3: Heat the Mixture at Low Temperature Till It Become Thick Paste. Stir It Properly So That No Lumps Should Be Made.

Step 4:

Wait till mixture become cool
 Put all the black grapes into the mixture
 Put tooth pick sticks to each  coated graphs and in the keep in the  refrigerator  till it become hard