Restoring 70s Fuel Pump


Intro: Restoring 70s Fuel Pump

this is so old fuel pump this full of rust and other chemical reaction
this is too hard to restore it wee Need to do many things so let's ready for fun ..

STEP 1: We Need

we need to do many of things it to so funny so get ready for paint the rust by a Matal polisher

STEP 2: Paint It

paint a it with red paint we need to do it 1hand of brush and 3 layer of spray paint

STEP 3: After It

get ready to make a logo of its comapany your company or other you can use a any colour

STEP 4: Now

and now I use yellow paint to colour it because it is so bright color and a good color be ready to colour it

STEP 5: Use Glass

I use glass like original but you can use painted cardboard this cool idea if you use glass it look original

STEP 6: Do Finishing

do the finishing work for it you can make it too fast so dude vote me and do some finishing

STEP 7: Vote Me