Introduction: Retractable Solder Fume Extractor (From an LED Light)
This Is a fan that I use while soldering to get the solder fumes out of my face!
Why did I choose this fan? This Is Why
If you are wondering what I am connecting it to, It is my home-made peg-board. If you are interested this project this is the link
If you don't understand why there is a weird flashlight on this pegboard you can see this project here
Step 1: The Parts I Used
1. A Retractable LED Reading Light
2. Wires (There will be an explanation why at Step 3)
3. Zip Ties
4. The Fan
Step 2: Tools
Wire Cutters
Step 3: Why Wires?
I used some extra 220 VOLT wall wires I had because the bending lamp structure wasn't strong enough to hold the fan.
Step 4: Unscrew the Head Off the End
I did this gently using pliers
Step 5: What to Do With the Wires
I cut the wires to the exact length of the lamp and connected them (with zip-ties) to the bendable structure of the lamp to make it stronger.
Step 6: Connect the Fan to the (so Called) Lamp
I did this by tying the zip-ties and the lamp together as seen in the picture
Step 7: DONE!
Now this is an ultra powerful fume Extractor!
Step 8: Update!
Now this is connected to my table because I replaced the small pegboard with a huge Magnetic Pegboard!
I've also made an Instructable about my "Magnetic Pegboard" which you can see here!
Step 9: Thank You for Watching!
Thank You For Watching! Don't forget to visit my Instructables page for more projects!