Retro Makey Makey Controller


Intro: Retro Makey Makey Controller

You had lots of fun with your SNES system back in the old days and miss him? You never got the chance to but would love to play some SNES? whatever your reason is, with some skill and a little help from Makey Makey you can make your own vintage style controller!

STEP 1: Get Used to Makey Makey

If this is not your first time with Makey Makey you can skip this step. If it IS your first time, why not try and get familiar with him? Try some of it's basics, play some games with it it's your call.

When you think you've got enough knowledge you can continue.

STEP 2: Which Buttons to Use?

Makey Makey has a lot of ports to use. What I did was use the ports available and changed the button layout in my emulator but you can also remap the buttons in the Makey Makey. Just go to to change any button you like!

Back to the controller, choose which buttons you would like to use (change them with remap) and start wiring them up!

STEP 3: Make Everything Fit Together

While you're wiring up, you've probably been thinking about all the different controllers you could make.

Trust me, the possibilities are endless for example: I used a lasercutter to cut me a wooden snes controller. This can be done with any controller you like of course! But not everyone has a lasercutter so remember that as long as it doesn't conduct you can use any material. Cardboard is very easy to use but you could even just draw a controller with pencil and use that, it's conductive enough. The possibilities are endless so use your imagination!

When you've got your cutout and wired up every button you wish to use it's time to put everything together.

STEP 4: Almost There!

While putting everything together don't forget the ground!!!

I used conductive tape to trigger the buttons in my case, it's a relative easy solution yet again, as long as it conducts you could use anything! even screws would do the trick.

If everything fits in it's place you should test it to see if all the buttons work properly, if not check if it makes a connection properly.

STEP 5: Create, Share, Play!

Don't forget to enjoy your finished controller!

Play with your friends and share your knowledge!


I wonder how people think of these stuff!

could this be used to make an Xbox 360 controller?

Easy way: use the cronusmax adapter(

Hard and no warranty way: Use

Any thoughts on using a raspberry pi and the makey makey to switch between a bunch of different controllers through one makey makey?

Ha this is great! I love the idea of using this to create your own SNES controller. So awesome!