Introduction: Retro TV Phone Enclosure

This was a very easy and fun little project. After leaning my Galaxy S6 up against things to watch videos I figured there needed to be a more interesting way to hold the phone upright. After perusing phone stands and retro shapes online I found some old style TV images and got to designing a box that copied a vintage tv style.

The design was done in Inkscape after snipping a screen shot of a tv shape. The image was then tweaked around a bit and saved as an SVG file. The file was opened up in a (free) program called Jscut ( to define the tool paths for a small CNC.

The actual enclosure only uses four pieces of wood. The front "screen" piece and the back piece are both from scraps of 1/4" plywood. The body of the enclosure is just cheap pine shelving.

To hold the back piece onto the body I found some bolts and threaded matched pieces in the junk bin and countersunk them.

Very fun, fast, and easy project. It's cool to set this up on a kitchen table, desk, or nightstand.

Thanks for taking a look!

The video shows the process: