Introduction: Reused Book As a Hiding Place

About: I am the kind of person who can't see a thing without wondering what I can do with it. The kind of projects I mainly do are: Paper, jewelry, yarn, fabric, lasercutting, steel wire, lighting and whatever gizmos…

How to make an old book into an awsome hiding place.

- Note: This project takes quite some time to do thoroughly. It can also be a good idea to save the pages you cut out, so that you can use them for other projects.

Step 1: Find a Book

Find an old book. - This one i found by the recycling corner where i live.

Step 2: Utensils

To make this you need:

  • A book
  • A ruler
  • A pencil
  • A knife (i used a boxcutter)
  • Some glue
  • A cutting board
  • A lot of time
  • A piece of thick cardboard/carton

Step 3: Cutting the Cover Of

Start by cutting the cover of your book.

Step 4: Measuring the Pages

Open the book.

Flip forward a few pages.

Then take your ruler and your pencil and draw a square on the page. I drew mine 3 cm from the sides.

Step 5: Cutting the Pages

Start cutting while following the line.

You propably need to remeasure a few time, just to make sure that you are keeping the same measurements on all the pages.

Remember to use your cuttingboard when you get near the final pages, so that you don't ruin them.

- Note: I save the pages that i cut out and use them for other fun projects

Step 6: Cutting Out the Compartment

Take your ruler and measure how big the hole in your book is (length, width, hight), so that you can make cardboard/carton sides for the secret compartment

Draw the measurements on to the cardboard/carton.

Take your cuttingboard and cut out the pieces.

Step 7: Making the Compartment

Try out the compartmentpieces to see if they fit in the book. You may need to cut of a little bit in the ends of it, in case your cut-out is a bit crooked.

When you are sure all the pieces fit, glue them together.

And when the glue is dry, glue them to the bottom of the hole.

Step 8: Reassembling the Book

Take your glue (i used a fluid one, which unfortunately made my pages wrinkle a bit, so it will probably be better to use a glue stick) and glue the front page together with the cover. Then do the same with the back page.

Remember to check that the books pages and the cover are aligned.

Step 9: The Finished Book

When the glue is dry, all there is left to do is to put all your most secret items in there, knowing that no one will find them. Note that you can still flip the pages.