Rolling Piano Station


Intro: Rolling Piano Station

I made a portable piano station on casters to make my keyboard more accessible. I needed space for the keyboard, speakers, and a computer with monitor to run my synthesizer software. It could also be a simple rolling desk/computer station. It is build from Ikea GORM shelving parts with only a few modifications. I believe the parts only cost me about $35.

STEP 1: Materials

GORM Shelf parts
2 shelves 30 3/8 " x 20 1/8 "
1 shelf 30 3/8 " x 12 1/4 "
2 packs of posts 43 1/4 " (4 posts)
1 pack of RILL casters
1 OBSERVATOR 39 " cross brace

Adjustable wrench
Phillips screwdriver
Wood screws

STEP 2: Cut the Posts

I won't give all my dimensions, mainly because I don't remember, but also because it depends on how high you want it to be and what equipment your going to put on it. I made this so that the keys of the piano are a standard 32" off the floor. My top shelf is about 8" above the main surface.

First I made sure that i cut the bottoms of the posts close to the pre-drilled holes so that my bottom shelf would be as low as possible, and match up flush with the bottom of the post. The front posts will be the height of the main surface shelf, and the back posts will be the height of the top shelf. Make sure to account for the standing height of the casters, which for me was 2 1/2". I subtracted that from the finished heights of the front and back post measurements then cut them. Make sure to keep your scraps, you will need them to support the top shelf.

Next I drilled new holes in the posts for my main shelf height, since it didn't match up with the pre-drilled holes.

In hindsight I realized that you only need to drill one extra hole in each shelf, since the shelves attach with one screw per corner. But I like the look of my holes matching the existing ones.

STEP 3: Attach the Shelves to the Posts

Screw the back posts on to the shelves with an adjustable wrench or socket. Flip it over and screw on the front posts the same way. Check to see that the frame is square by measuring the diagonal length bewteen the screws. The top left to bottom right measurement should be the same as the top right to bottom left measurement. If not, flex the frame a little and check again.

Once you get it square, add the OBSERVATOR cross brace. I put mine on the inside so the unit would look better if viewed from the back. There is just enough space to slide it behind the shelves. The cross brace has slightly offset tips, so make sure the flat side is down against the wood when you screw it on, or they will bow out a bit.

STEP 4: Add Top Shelf Support

Measure the distance from the surface of the main shelf to the underside of the top shelf. Cut your post scrap pieces to this length and check to see that they fit. With the supports in place drill pilot holes through the top shelf and the main shelf, and then screw them together.

STEP 5: Attach the Casters

With the unit upside down, put the casters in place and mark the spots to drill pilot holes. With the RILL casters three of the holes lined up on wood but the fourth did not. It might be stable enough to attach each caster with three screws, but I stabilized mine by adding a little wood scrap piece in each corner. After drilling the pilot holes, screw on the casters. Turn it back over and you are done. Now try loading it up.

As it is, there isn't much leg room. I am considering removing one or two of the bottom planks to make it more comfortable to sit at.


What would really complete this would be someone smartly-dressed or not dressed at all playing it?

 My grandpa has a setup like this.  He is a musician for hire (sort of his retirement dream). 

He sings as well, and managed to incorporate a screen with SD slot, that way, his lyrics scroll along the screen as he sings (no need to memorize his lyrics).  

Your piano rig looks much more functional than his, I'll recommend it!
Nice!  I built one of these a few years ago, but without the top monitor shelf.  Still, it's wide enough to hold a bigger keyboard and some guitar pedals and amp.  Pretty bitchin' idea :P.
Smart looking desk!
Very nice workstation.  Good job!
Great idea! I need something similar for my Linux / m-audio Delta recording setup...