Rotor Pendant


Intro: Rotor Pendant

While scavenging from an old VCR and other equipment I came across some rotors. They looked kind of neat so I figured I'd make them into pendants.

STEP 1: Tools and Materials

- rotor from old electronic equipment
- copper wire
- solder

- straight cutting pliers (dremel cutting disk or other way to cut pliers will work...)
- smooth pliers (could use regular pliers but will mar the copper)
- soldering iron
- steel nail or burnisher

STEP 2: Prep Copper Wire

The hole in the rotor faces the wrong way to just put string through, it would never hang straight. The rotor is mostly copper, so to keep the color similar I grabbed some electrical cable and pulled out a lead to make a loop for the string.

I cut off the pointy and oxidized end with some straight cutting pliers (alternatively use a dremel cutting disk to get it straight) to leave a straight end that will leave only a small soldering spot.

STEP 3: Bendig and Soldering

I bent the first loop around one of the arms of the rotor. Copper is soft so I used some smooth pliers to reduce marring.

Try bending the loop to the size you want with the wires still overlapping so you can play with the size. Cut the wire with the straight cutter's straight side facing the loop to make the loop flat. Cut in line with the stem,  then bend it sideways toward the stem. If you try to close the bend by closing the loop in line with the turn it will spring back and not be nice and snug to solder.

I soldered the joint on the first loop so it will stay put, then bent the second loop and soldered that as well.

STEP 4: Burnish, Add a String

I have a burnisher (round rod of hardened metal) to sharpen cabinet scrapers. I ran it over any scratches I made in the copper to rub them out. Works surprisingly well, and leaves it nice and shiny without any polishing dirt. You could just use a nail or any smooth steel surface instead.

Tied a string through the loops using a lanyard knot (, adjusting the length as I go along.


Hi, I have a question please;

Does extra insulation coating for rotor windings makes the motor get heated fastly ?

Thanks in advance.

Where is a good place to find the equipment that would contain these rotors or is there a place online that might sell them? When I do a search I keep finding the wrong kind, car, heavy equipment, airplane type rotors but not like this.
I got mine out of some old VCRs. Can't remember if they were from a garage sale or garbage or a thrift store, all would be likely sources.
Try opening up a old computer floppy drive, they have a smaller lighter version in them that's often coloured
I like the last electronic piece pictured. You might think about creating a wire wrapped bail for it (bail is a fancy jewelry term for something for chain/cord to go through and make a necklace).
Has a whole bunch of links for different types of wire wrapped bails.

Thanks for sharing, it's super neat!
what isnt mentioned is most stators are 2 - 5 inchs in diameter, that one may weigh upwards of one pound or more. I'm not hating on this, just pointing out, one pound of copper and steel can be a burden within a few minutes.
This one is about 1-1.5in and weighs under 50g
oh... add glue or a clear brush on laquer, to keep the fine coil wires frm unravelling
nice...very nice indeed. i love these motor coils, they remind me of old aircraft motors. heres is where i have used one so far. and i have a bunch more uses, for all the coils i have. and now i have a new use ;) thanx
Two holes near each other.
In one, out the other.

I just saw a show about pirates where they did that with coins.
& I googled two hole coin: