

Intro: SPyBot

Robotics is a world accessible to everyone! Unfortunately, sometimes, those who are "beginners" collide with a complexity that could block their enthusiasm! Is it possible to make robotics simple and intuitive? If you are a teacher who wants to introduce your students to robot programming, then the SpyBot (School Python roBot) platform is for you!

SpyBot is an educational robotic platform, currently programmable in python language, but soon also in Blockly which is based on Raspberry Pi zero w. SpyBot uses a pre-assembled board that integrates sensors, motor controllers, LEDs and buzzers and on which it is possible to insert the GPIO of the Pi Zero to make it possible to control the individual elements from the board.

STEP 1: SPyBot - Assembly

The assembly is very simple:

  • First of all, the board is inserted on the 3d printed case;
  • Next proceed to insert the IR and ultrasonic sensors;
  • Next insert the TT-Motors and the wheels.
  • Finally, just insert the raspberry pi zero into the slot and the battery.

STEP 2: SPyBot - Example Python Code

The attached python scripts allow you to run a variety of tests.

  • l293d.py contains a first test of the motors;
  • follow_line.py is a test for the line-following robot;
  • ultrasonic.py contains an avoiding-obstacles simple application.

STEP 3: SPyBot - 3d Print File