Introduction: Sabering a Champagne Bottle

About: Craft Maniac, Food Geek, Celebration Enthusiast, All-Around Funsational Gal

Sabering is a spectacular way to open a Champagne bottle, and begin a celebration. In this video, I'll show you how I do it, complete with tips, trivia, and techniques.

Step 1: Tips

  • Make sure the bottle is super cold. Merely refrigerated bottles won't saber well.
  • Once the muselet (cage) is removed, best to hold the cork in place with your finger until just before sabering.
  • Hold the blade flat against the bottle.
  • Hide your thumb in the indentation in the bottom of the bottle.
  • Be sure to aim the bottle away from people and property!
  • Have a glass handy in case any bubbly pours out.

Step 2: For More Champagne Fun

Please check out my full-length Champagne episode HERE.


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