Screamin Skelly Chair


Intro: Screamin Skelly Chair

Turn that old chair into something people will just be dying to sit in.

Found this old wrought iron chair on it's way to the scrap yard and new I just had to have it. Originally all I planned on doing was changing the fabric on it but then the twisted mind started turning.

STEP 1: Prep & Paint

Remove the cushions and sand/wire brush any rust or loose paint off.

Spray paint silver and let dry. Once dry take a can of flat black spray paint and lightly spray sections and quickly wipe off with a rag. This will give it a tarnished look.

STEP 2: Add Blucky Skeleton

Take a plastic Blucky skeleton (commonly found at Big Lots during Halloween) and Cut out sections between the ribs. Once that is done, take the torso and slice down the seams on both sides far enough to fit inside of the frame of the chair - making the chair 3D.

Next cut the top nub off of the leg bones (the part that attaches the lower leg bone to the upper leg bone). Now slice the leg down the back side so that you can slide over the leg of the chair. Cut a large enough hole in the top part of the feet so that they will fit over the foot of the chair.

I didn't want to leave the lower opening of the chair open so I took a piece of pvc pipe and cut it to fit between the small section of spine on the skeleton and the bottom bar of the chair back. Then I took pieces of pool noodles and glued them onto the pvc to make it look like a spine.

Last I took the skull, cut out the eyes, nose and mouth. Now take a heat gun & CAREFULLY heat the plastic and (with work gloves on) stretch and shape the face to whatever look you desire. I used a set of fake teeth from the Dollar Tree to give him a creepier look.

Spray the inside of the skull & the teeth black.

Assemble everything onto the chair. To attach the skull cut a slit wide enough to slide it over the top edge of the chair.

STEP 3: Tongue & Corpsing

This is actually an optional step but does give the skull a freakier look.

Take a piece of sponge and cut it into a tongue shape. Using the cotton batting & liquid latex technique of corpsing cover the tongue. Let dry.

Corpse the inside bottom portion of the lower jaw. You can attach the tongue while the lower jaw is still wet by putting a fresh coat of latex on the underside of the tongue or waiting until all is dry & hot gluing it.

Now corpse the skull, torso, spine and legs. If you get any of the latex on the chair frame, don't worry, when it is dry it will peel right off.

STEP 4: Painting

Paint the entire thing gray. Once it is mostly dry, take a wet cloth and rub over some areas to reveal the off white of the latex underneath the gray. Next take black paint to darken all of the recessed areas (such as between the ribs and around the edges of any torn fleshy areas.) While it is still wet, wipe the excess paint off with a rag.

(the color is off in some of the pics below but they are really all done the same color - stupid camera!)

STEP 5: The Seat Cushion

Choose whatever fabric you like for the seat cushion. A heavier fabric would be great if you can find it in the pattern that you like but I just used a regular cotton fabric because I loved the design on it. (This chair is more of a show piece than a regular piece of furniture, so it won't be getting sat on every day anyway.). Re-upholster the seat cushion and re-attach it to the chair.

Screamer Option: Before attaching the fabric to the cushion, cut a piece of thin board or heavy cardboard slightly smaller than the seat area. Cut a piece of padding by using some cotton batting to fit the cushion. Next take one of those pressure sensitive screaming halloween door mats and remove the cover carefully. Place the pressure mechanism on top of the piece of thin board or cardboard, then place the new piece of padding that you cut on top of the pressure mechanism and cover that with your fabric. Place this over the old cushion and finish re-upholstering the seat. Attach the battery compartment to the underside of the chair with hot glue so you have easy access to change the batteries.

STEP 6: The Finished Product

Now you have a great conversation piece and if you have gone with the screamer option, you have a chair that is going to give you a lot of laughs when it scares the pee out of unsuspecting victims who sit on it. OH! Maybe I should have added "Scotchguard the fabric" to the last step. LOL!!
You can also give it to your best friend, like I did. Well, only if they like stuff like this, otherwise they may have you committed. LOL!!


I Love this chair!!! You are wickedly Awesome! Very creative!
This is so cool to keep out all year long, except when mother in law
This is a great idea for my "seated" props. Up until now, I just used a regular chair.
This is actually pretty interesting. ^^
SO AWESOME!!! I love your creativity. Excellent and thanks for sharing!
Thank you very much!! When you love Halloween as much as I do but you don't have the money to buy the cool expensive stuff, you have to get creative or just sit & drool over the stuff you can't have. Ok! So I still drool over the really cool Halloween stuff anyway, but things like this help take my mind off of it. LOL!
I have to agree with mg0930mg!! This website is amazing, I can't believe the fantastic things I've seen but this instructible is like nothing I've seen in any Halloween site - anywhere. This one, I really think tops them all! GREAT INSTRUCTIBLE! I have an extra Halloween mat! but... now ... where to find a chair like this.....????
Thank you Calicos!
Finding the chair may not be as difficult as you think. You may be able to find a chair by just driving through your neighborhood on trash night. Also check the thrift stores. I bought another chair, for about 3 or 4 bucks at a thrift store.  I plan to do that chair for a friend (whenever I get the time)! The new chair is totally different from the one I used here. The main thing that you need to worry about is if you will be able to attach the torso to the back of the chair.
If you make one, please send me a link to it, so I can check it out. I love to see what people come up with... especially for Halloween things!

Well, I live here in MN and I live for garage sales, estate sales, thrift stores, etc. I admit I have sorta a 'thing' for chairs, I've bought many chairs and done some fun stuff with them - although (NOTHING) like what you've done! But I have to say, in all my searches, I've never seen a chair like that. I'm afraid the nearest I'd find would white-painted wrout iron chair from an outdoor funiture set? Mainly what I find are wooden or wicker ones. But, I will start looking hard to find one, during this winter, I'll be checking Craigslist and thrift stores because I really, really want to make one - well, more than one because all of my family members (and there are 8 sibilings) are Halloween lovers! If I do find one and make one, well, it turns out good enough, I will send you a link! Would you mind if I contacted you for help if needed? Anyway, FANTASTIC chair and great incredible!
I wish you luck in your quest for chairs! I know what you mean about finding mostly wood chairs, I see them all the time but as soon as I need one for something, there is not 1 to be found! LOL!
You are sooooo lucky to have a family full of Halloween lovers. I myself have always been the black sheep of the family.
Feel free to contact me if you need any help at all. I look forward to seeing you creation!
You killed a beautiful chair!!!
Well it was on it's way to the scrapyard anyway, so technically, I saved it's life.
THAT IS AMAZING! Great Job. This is one of the best halloween instructables I've seen.
I love it. I love halloween, more then christmas. haha. The chair is awesome, and usinng cotton and liquid latex on a chair, equals smelly chair. Rotting flesh, anyone?