Seaweedy Scramble


Intro: Seaweedy Scramble

My mom likes to experiment in the kitchen and sneak greens into our diet at the same time. Guess I can't blame her, it's pretty tasty most of the time too!

This is a weird and tasty way to add some oomph into your scrambled eggs asian-style, I hope you enjoy.

You will need:
Flying pan & lid
Egg flipper

Salt n' Pepper (to taste)
Dried Seaweed

Sourcing the seaweed may be an adventure depending on where you live. It comes in a round stack and can usually found in the imported foods section. We bought ours from the T&T (might be a Canadian thing). Here is a google image search for reference:

STEP 1: Prep: Toast Seaweed

Alrighty, so before we begin the scramble, you are going to have a butt-load of seaweed.
We want to make sure that it is nice and crunchy first.

Preheat the oven to 250º Fahrenheit (or 120º Celsius/ very low). It's low because we want them to toast and not burn.
Throw each individual round into the oven (Since it usually comes packaged in a stack, you can peel the rounds off one by one)
Bake them for about 20 minutes to an hour, or until they turn a dark green colour.

Once they are all toasty, you can pack the unused seaweed in a freezer bag and store in a dry place, no need to refrigerate.

STEP 2: Scramble Eggs

Now scramble the eggs, you know how. If not, ask the nearest adult.

Here we used a LOT of eggs, this was for a lot of people though.
The seaweed to egg ratio is entirely up to you but to give you an idea: we used 20 eggs: 3 cakes of seaweed.

STEP 3: Mix It Up

Next, we're going to break/chop/cut the seaweed into the eggs.
This is also an opportune time to season your eggs with pepper, salt or soy sauce, whatever floats your boat.

As you can see, we also equipped ourselves with a ladle for the next step... you probably won't need this for anything less than a 20 egg fry-up.... so I've omitted that from the list of things-you-will-need.

Seaweed EXPANDS. You may want to let it sit for a while (5 minutes) to let it do its thing.

STEP 4: Heat Up the Pan

Now with your pan at the ready, turn your stovetop on high.
We have a cast-iron pan, so I know it's nice and hot when the surface lets off a little smoke.
Add the oil and swirl it around to cover the surface of the pan evenly.

(For this instructable I might have waited too long since I was taking photos though, so the last picture is an indication of "too much" smoke)

STEP 5: Fry It Up

Ladle or pour the eggs onto the pan. Turn off the heat now, and cover for about a minute.

I like to cook using the "cover and wait" method. Another perfectly good way to scramble eggs is to keep it on medium-low after the pan is hot and poke at them constantly. This works too though I find it easier to overcook this way.

STEP 6: Flip!

Flip! then cover again briefly.

STEP 7: Eat!

now you can omnomnom!

STEP 8: Epilogue

Just an note for those who own cast-iron cookware, always scrub with hot water and steel wool - avoid soap!

This may sound counter-intuitive but it leaves the protective layer of seasoning intact and prevents it from rusting :)

-The end!


I make a very similar dish using nori (dried seaweed sheets). It is so delicious! Great Instructable.
thank you :) I think seaweed is a good source of calcium, iron and iodine too.