Introduction: Shadow Separator, a Knex Ball Machine Path Separator
Hello knexers!
Here are the instructions for the Shadow Separator, first seen in my knex ball machine Paradox.
This is the last part from Paradox, now the instructions for all the new elements/lifts/separators are online.
The Shadow Separator is a complex, piece consuming separator with a self-resetting mechanism.
If you don't want to spend too many pieces to a separator, I suggest that you just watch and don't build (It would still be nice if you did so :D), if you have some pieces left and don't mind using them in a separator, this is the perfect instructable for you!
About the name... I'm sure you're wondering why this is called the Shadow Separator.
I did not invent the self-resetting mechanism myself, it is Shadowman39's invention (You can find the original instructions here).
So a lot of credit goes to him, without his mechanism this separator wouldn't exist.
And to give even more credit (and because it sounds awesome :D), I called it the Shadow Separator.
I hope you like this separator, tell me what you think about it in the comments.
If you build this separator, please read every image note. They will help you a lot!
A problem? Questions? Feel free to comment or PM me.
Thanks for watching / building!
Here are the instructions for the Shadow Separator, first seen in my knex ball machine Paradox.
This is the last part from Paradox, now the instructions for all the new elements/lifts/separators are online.
The Shadow Separator is a complex, piece consuming separator with a self-resetting mechanism.
If you don't want to spend too many pieces to a separator, I suggest that you just watch and don't build (It would still be nice if you did so :D), if you have some pieces left and don't mind using them in a separator, this is the perfect instructable for you!
About the name... I'm sure you're wondering why this is called the Shadow Separator.
I did not invent the self-resetting mechanism myself, it is Shadowman39's invention (You can find the original instructions here).
So a lot of credit goes to him, without his mechanism this separator wouldn't exist.
And to give even more credit (and because it sounds awesome :D), I called it the Shadow Separator.
I hope you like this separator, tell me what you think about it in the comments.
If you build this separator, please read every image note. They will help you a lot!
A problem? Questions? Feel free to comment or PM me.
Thanks for watching / building!
Step 1: Piece Count
If you want you can count the pieces before you start building.
Here is a list with all pieces included in this separator, named by their original color:
Green: 138
White: 82
Blue: 129
Yellow: 35
Red: 23
Grey: 1
Total rods: 408
Dark-grey: 40
Light-grey: 18
Orange: 26
Red: 69
Green: 11
Yellow: 84
White: 7
Purple: 102
Blue: 14
Total connectors: 371
Blue spacer: 41
Silver spacer: 38
Y-clip: 39
Tan clip: 8
Blue clip: 3
Blue hinge: 3
Black hinge: 3
Small hub: 1
Small tire: 1
Small blue gear: 1
Medium yellow gear: 1
Motor: 1
Total other: 140
Grand Total: 919
Here is a list with all pieces included in this separator, named by their original color:
Green: 138
White: 82
Blue: 129
Yellow: 35
Red: 23
Grey: 1
Total rods: 408
Dark-grey: 40
Light-grey: 18
Orange: 26
Red: 69
Green: 11
Yellow: 84
White: 7
Purple: 102
Blue: 14
Total connectors: 371
Blue spacer: 41
Silver spacer: 38
Y-clip: 39
Tan clip: 8
Blue clip: 3
Blue hinge: 3
Black hinge: 3
Small hub: 1
Small tire: 1
Small blue gear: 1
Medium yellow gear: 1
Motor: 1
Total other: 140
Grand Total: 919
Step 2: Self-resetting Mechanism Part 1
The first part of the self-resetting mechanism, there are 3 parts in total.
Step 3: Self-resetting Mechanism Part 2
The second part of the self-resetting mechanism.
Step 4: Self-resetting Mechanism Part 3
The third and last part of the self-resetting mechanism. In this step you will also be testing it.
Step 5: Staircase Exit
In this step we're going to build 4 of the 6 exits.
Step 6: Separator
In this part, the balls get separated. Be sure to build everything exactly as you see it, or it wont work.
Step 7: Arm
This arm will start the motor, and lift the last ball up so it can reset the machine.
Step 8: Return Track
The last ball will roll on this track after it is lifted up by the arm. As it rolls down, it will help resetting the mechanism.
Step 9: Entrance
The last step! The entrance, where everything begins.
Step 10: Finished!
The Shadow Separator is finished!
When you have finished your own Shadow Separator, you can send me a picture so I can add it to this last step.
Thanks for watching / building!
When you have finished your own Shadow Separator, you can send me a picture so I can add it to this last step.
Thanks for watching / building!