Introduction: Sheet Music and Metal Boutonniere
With the popularity of rustic themed weddings and DIY savvy brides, paper flowers are a huge trend in the wedding business. More and more I see brides with bouquets made of paper flowers, and with paper flower bouquets come paper flower boutonnieres. I wanted to create an awesome boutonniere that would match paper flowers and look awesome!
Why take your time to make this boutonniere?
They are awesome: Your groomsmen might actually enjoy wearing these and your guests will love your creative style.
It is cheap: I probably this boutonniere for for less than 50 cents. The most expensive piece was the awesome wing pin I found.
Its easy!: once you get the hang of making flowers it takes about 20 minutes to make this boutonniere.
Step 1: Supplies
Here is what you are going to need to make your sheet music bouquet
Sheet music squares - You will need about a 4.5" by 4.5" square. To find sheet music browse garage sales. I found a whole stack of sheet music (over 500 pages) for 50 cents!!
Wire - Floral wire is pretty cheap. you can usually get something under $3.00 at your local craft store
Step 2: Fold Origami Rose and Leaves
1. Start by folding all of your flowers
To see how to fold the flower I am using go to my flowers go visit my previous instructable here
2. For the bouquet you will also need to fold a calyx for all of your flowers
To see how to fold a calyx for this flower visit my previous instructable here
Step 3: Create the Wire Stem
Once your flowers are folded you can create the stems from the floral wire
1. Measure and cut the wire into a piece that measures between 6" and 8"
2. Bend about 3/4" of the wire on the end over.
3. Twist the 3/4" end of the wire with the other wire to create a loop one one side of the wire piece
Step 4: Add the Wire Stem
1. Take the looped end of the wire and push through the bottom of the rose.
You may need to cut the tape at the bottom of the flower a little bit before you can fit the wire in the flower. Don't try to use excessive force or you might squish your flower
2. Add some glue to the bottom of the flower - so you can glue the bottom of the flower and the calyx together
3. Add the calyx to the stem. - Slide the calyx from the bottom of the stem to the top. Press two pieces together firmly to adhere with the glue
4. Use a little tape (I use duct tape or invisible tape) to tape the bottom of the calyx to the wire stem. - This will stop the calyx from sliding down the stem.
Step 5: Create the Metal Branch
1. Cut about 6 additional wire pieces about 8"
2. Begin wrapping each wire around the stem of the rose. - Wrap about half of the length of the wire around the stem and leave half of the wire untwisted.
Note: start at the bottom of the stem and twist the wire to the top so the half that doesn't get twisted into the stem is sitting near the flower.
3. Twist the wire strands together. - The twisted part will create the small branch around the flower
Step 6: Add Place for Pin
1. Cut a piece of wire about 6" long
2. in the middle of the wire bend three small loops. - The loops should line up side by side and should be small enough for a pin to fit through.
3. wrap the wire around the stem of the flower. - Make sure your small loops end up in the middle of the stem and are facing the back of the boutonniere. This will give your pin a place to slide in to attach the flower to the jacket or shirt.
Step 7: Twist Wire Stem With Addition Wire
1. Cut additional wire pieces about 6"
2. Wrap the pieces of wire around the stem until you get your desired look. - I usually add about 3 - 6 more pieces to add just a little more volume to the stem of the flower
Step 8: Finished!
Now all you need is a great pin to bring it all together. You can either use a safety pin or you can do what I did an find an awesome statement pin.
Have fun and enjoy!