Shorten Power Cable


Intro: Shorten Power Cable

Take a standard figure 8 cable or standard kettle lead.

STEP 1: Cutting

cut cable to length that you want

STEP 2: Strip Cables Down

I used a cable strippers but you could use a knife or any sharp instrament


Put some cable shrink around cable and then twist cable together. n.b: all colours should match up.


Wrap cables up seperatly and then when cables are completly isolated put togher and rap them up again.


Pull down shrink over taped up end and heat i used a ligher but you can use anything that is hot (n.b) to hot will melt shrink cable and also might dapage cable.

STEP 6: Finaly

You have a shorted cable that makes life bit easier in your bag and on the wall.


I guess it would be better just to fit a new plug as they are not expensive and that would also be safer because you will not have any bulge / weak joints.
I usually cut the wires different lengths before splicing so that the splice is not all bunched in one place.. Makes a smoother finished job..
This is a good 'ible for shortening any kind of wire/cord, but i guess I am missing the point of shortening when you could use zip ties/cable ties to "shorten" the cord by coiling it up. Anyways, good job.
should have mentioned the reason I did it was to reduce the amount of cable that is in my small bag that i carry my camera in and also reduce the weight.