Introduction: Shrimping Helper

Shrimping, also known as 釣蝦 in Chinese, is one of the most unique and popular hobby for Taiwanese. Lots of Taiwanese go to shrimping in weekends. From enjoying the fight with the shrimps and eating the shrimps, shrimping is definitely one of the best weekend activity. Nonetheless, there has always been an annoying problem, counting shrimps and looking at the remaining time. After shrimping, people have to go to the fountain and count their result one by one, which is extremely time-wasting and ineffective. For the latter, always looking at the receipt with start time and then calculate the remaining time by looking at a phone for the current time is definitely irritating. Therefore, I plan and build this device to solve the problems mentioned above, specially designed for shrimping.


Before Starting, Prepare:

1. Arduino Leonardo

2. Breadboard

3. Computer with Arduino IDE

4. Micro USB Cable

5. Powerbank

6. Switch

7. LCD I2C

8. Ultrasonic Sensor

9. Wire

10. Cardboard Box

11. Resistor

Step 1: Connecting the Circuits



D5 -> Ultrasonic Sensor Trig

D6 -> Ultrasonic Sensor Echo

D9 -> Switch




5V -> Breadboard Positive

GND -> Breadboard Negative


Micro-USB -> Powerbank

Step 2: Circuit on Breadboard


Arduino Power 5V



Ultrasonic Sensor VCC


Arduino Power GND



Ultrasonic Sensor GND

Connect LCD and Ultrasonic Sensor according to labels on them

Connect Switch as Image

Step 3: Coding

Code is in the file attached.

Step 4: Designing the Appearance

I used a cardboard box to put everything of the device in, including Arduino, the breadboard, all the other parts, and the Powerbank. Then, I made some holes for the sensors and LCD to be shown outside of the box. Use a knife to make two round holes on the top of the device for the ultrasonic sensor. Next, I made a hole at the side of the cardboard box for the switch to come out from the box. Lastly, I made a rectangle shaped hole in the front of the device so the user can see the information.

Step 5: Done!

Then, you have finished this device. You can then take this to shrimping, and stop getting annoyed from those irritating problems. Happy Shrimping, and hope you can get some lot of shrimps! 祝你天天爆籠

Step 6: Using the Device

1. Turn on the Device

2. In 10 seconds, press the button for as many time you are shrimping(in hour). The second row of the LCD should show how many hours as you press the button. Ex: 3 hr equals to pressing the button three times

3. Start Shrimping, and place the device on your shrimp net as the picture(蝦網)

4. Every time when you get a shrimp, detach the hook. Then, when you are putting the shrimp into the net, remember to let either your shrimp or your hand to go over the ultrasonic sensor so the device will count the shrimp. Don't worry for the sensor sensing repeatedly when there is only one shrimp because the sensor won't sense the next signal until the next minute.

5. Shrimp happily!!

6. When the time reaches 0:0, remember to stop shrimping and give the receipt back to the owner of the shrimping place. And be a good shrimper!