Introduction: Side Table Makeover With Adult Colouring Book

About: My name is Janel and I love creating easy, cheap DIY projects! Everything from clothing to jewellery to decor and more. Check out my YouTube channel toDIYfor for my weekly tutorial videos.

Very simple way to create a custom piece of furniture with your own art work!


Step 1: Materials

Adult Colouring book of choice

Pencil crayons


Mod Podge

Sponge Brush

Piece of furniture you are recovering

*I had previously painted my table white*

Step 2: Colouring

A few tips...

Pick a colour scheme before filling in your design (I went with purple and yellow)

Remember you can colour hard or light to get different shades with each pencil crayon

Once complete, cut your design out

Step 3: Application

Apply generous layer of mod podge to the back of your design

Apply another layer on the furniture surface

Place design on top and flatten out

Smooth away any bubbles and let dry

Step 4: Top Coat

Apply a layer of mod podge over your design

This will create a sealed finish

Let dry

**It will dry clear**