Introduction: Side Window Sun Shades for Your Car
I wanna keep my car cool when I have to leave my car parked for long periods. It might look ghetto but man I can tell the difference right away when they're in. This is just a test I might make them more fancy in the future but these are great for privacy screens if you're camping or living the #vanlife
Step 1: Gather Materials
For a small pickup truck like mine you probably only need one large sized windshield cover. The local Daiso Japanese store had them for $3 they include suction cups
Fabric tape to cover edges 2-3 rolls $1.50 per roll at Daiso
Knife or scissors
Fabric tape to cover edges 2-3 rolls $1.50 per roll at Daiso
Knife or scissors
Step 2: This Is the Fabric Tape
Unfortunately it only comes in wild patterns. I guess gaffers tape would work equally as well just to protect the edges from getting fluffed up.
Step 3: Hold Up to Outside of Window and Trace
The outside of the window is way easier to trace than the inside. This will make it slightly larger than the inside window space but that's okay. It helps keep the shield wedged in position
Step 4: Start Cutting
You can see that the sunshade already has a grommet in it for the suction cup.
Step 5: Extra Grommets
I don't remember where I found these plastic grommets but they work fabulously! If you cut extra holes for extra suction cups you might wanna use something like this. Or real grommets
Step 6: Cut the Fabric Tape Into Strips
Step 7: This Is What a Completed Panel Looks Like
Step 8: TADA!
After some fiddly cutting and trimming you'll be done and it will look awesome! Here's to a cooler car!